Chapter Twelve

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It turned out that Macavity actually felt the same way for Mistoffelees. Everything was fine. The two were in actually a very healthy and strong relationship, and having Mistoffelees around cause Macavity to stop being so violent.
The Junkyard took notice of that and thought it was okay for the duo to be together, after all.
Munkustrap was happy for them, to say the least. Tugger was somewhat happy, because seeing Mistoffelees smile made  him feel relieved. But deep inside, he could feel himself dying. A vast piece of him was missing in his life. His heart always raced whenever he saw the tuxedo, yet he tried his best not to make any moves so that his brother wouldn't think the wrong way and hurt both of them and become even more violent. Something like that happened with Fiora when she was caught. But at least Mistoffelees was making Macavity gain his trust, and bring his sanity back to normal. This was a big relief to Tugger in some way.

The other night, he awoke. He had the feeling of getting up and roam the Ruins of the Forest, where many trees had fallen due to storms and strong winds. But also had the feeling of going to the Cave and watch the waterfall for some time.
And so he went to the Cave. As soon as he entered, he inhaled the scent of the cyan-glowing flowers. Reminded of the first time he and Mistoffelees entered the place, he sighed heavily. He picked up a few of the flowers before slowly approaching the waterfall. When he did, he sat on the rock that was next to the waterfall. He watched the extreme gush of water run down the rocks.
For a moment, he thought he had seen strange movement in the running waters. The waterfall began to glow cyan itself. He tilted his head, then looked back. He was expecting to see Mistoffelees there. But nobody was there besides him. He sighed again.
He wanted to cry. His wish was to be with the tom he loved, but now that very same tom was taken by his brother and they loved each other very much. He just wouldn't part them just to get his way. Because if he did, he would lose anyway. Mistoffelees would hate him and he'd be unhappy, while Macavity would be chasing after them both, especially Tugger himself.
He shook his head, "No, I'll let it be like Munkustrap told me."

He touched the falling water with his paw and watched as it turned into gold dust. He chuckled, "If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be here now, amazed by my surroundings just like the first time we came. Our curiosity brought us marvelous things, didn't it, Misty?"
He leaned back, chuckling more. He licked his paw. It did no longer taste like cream like it used to. That was strange.
He got up and began to walk back, clutching the flowers he had picked tight in his paw. What he didn't notice was that the flowers were glowing brighter than usual, and sparkles were springing out of them. He did notice when he brought them to his face to smell them. He stared at them for a while.
The glow mutated into a fae queen. That was Fiora!
He was slightly surprised, slightly frightened. How could it be?
The Masked-and-Mantel queen shook her head in disappointment and sadness. Was she hinting Tugger something?
She made kissing and hugging signs with her paws and face, then slowly pointed at him before slowly disappearing.

Tugger blinked. Was he going insane? No, he was sure he wasn't. But what was this vision, and why did it come over to him?
He preferred not to dwell on it and kept walking back.

Suddenly, he saw Macavity and Mistoffelees arguing when he got out of the Cave.
He backed his ears. They were surely not having a good time. Mistoffelees then took notice of Tugger. His yelling could be heard two-three yards away, "See? We're grabbing attention! I don't want to talk to you anymore!"
"Excuse me, but we have to talk."
"About what?!"
"About what you did and did not do!"
"Who cares, you're not my father, you're my mate. We're supposed to be supportive and happy with each other!"
"First of all, why did you go through the books I told you not to go through, hm?" The red tabby lifted a brown-colored thick book, almost shoving it into Misto's face.
"Yes, this one! The Great Book of Wizardry. Why? You're not old enough to fully control those powers, you know it. You don't really care when someone wants you to be safe, no?" He swatted Mistoffelees' face with the book.
The tux let out a cry, holding his cheek tight.
Aha! Macavity was now abusing of the tuxedo. Tugger knew this day would come, and was well-prepared for it.

Slowly approaching the duo, he cleared his throat, "Excuse me, but what gives you the right to hit someone just because they didn't listen? You wouldn't even hurt a kitten with that book anyway, or would you, eh? Say, you two could have kittens—but I highly doubt it because you can't even control your anger, brother. Now, I need you two to be alone for a while and return; a fresh start."

The duo did as told.
Tugger sighed, "At least I can separate fighting couples."

He went to his den and lay on his bed again. Maybe the fae tried to tell him Mistoffelees one day would get to be with him—his relationship with Macavity was falling apart. Perhaps he wouldn't last another couple of months with the red-ginger tabby.
It all began making sense to the Maine coon.
He lit up the fireplace, watching the flames flicker.
He began wondering to himself if Mistoffelees could live all his life with Macavity. He didn't expect it to end so soon, but he didn't expect it to last, either.

He went back to lie down.
He lay on his side, eyes closing slowly.
He fell asleep, wondering if anything between him and Mistoffelees could truly happen. But what if it didn't? What if Macavity was only getting used to the whole relationship thing again? Then maybe the duo could last.
But no matter what, Mistoffelees would always be the one Tugger's heart was locked on. He was just like a dream...

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