The visit

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I'm awoken yet again to miss Wellford banging on my door to get up. "It's 6:00 am on a Saturday!" I yell to her "what could you possibly want?" Hearing I was now awake she flung my door open  "someone wants to meet y'all" she says and at the same moment I hear him, Joey Graceffa, I'm awe struck and rush to get ready. I throw on a panic! At the disco shirt (black of course) and some black converse along with my mint green converse to match the lettering on my shirt. Im about to change my phone case because I'd look stupid with my Joey Graceffa case on while he's here, but as I'm about to take it off I hear a really cheerful voice at my door.The Joey Graceffa was standing there looking me right in the eye. I awkwardly say hey back as he starts to introduce himself and then notices my phone case. He's notices my shirt and starts asking about what bands I like instead. I noticed I never threw a sweatshirt on over my scarred wrists and luckily I don't think he ever noticed. After talking for about an hour and a half he announces he has to leave, I say goodbye as he walks outside. Soon I hear him talking to miss Wellford and he's back, "pack up your stuff I hope you are okay with coming to LA" with me I hear, I look up and see he's looking at me. "Really?" I ask in confusion since I knew he was only here for a visit and I automatically grab him in a hug, "I would love to!!!" I then realize I need to put a sweatshirt on to hide the scars and throw everything into a bag except for my sweatshirt. Joey finished signing papers and soon I was out of the hell hole I called home for so long and was in the streets of London with my idol on my way to the house of Dan and Phil so Joey could get his stuff and we could head to LA.

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