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*lillys pov*
I noticed those girls from yesterday waiting on the steps of the school when I got out of joeys car I see them smile and stand up. Joey pulls away and they walk up to me one knocks my binder off one grabs my hair and starts grabbing at it. I grab my stuff after they walk away and run to the bathroom crying, I reach into the pocket of my bag I had my blade in to find nothing but a note, Joey knew about it, I text Mary and tell her to come quickly which ends up in me crying into her shoulder all through first period in the girls bathroom. After school I get into the car with Joey and start yelling at him I couldn't hold it back I NEEDED it today there was no way of changing that. Joey grabbed me by the shoulders and asked how I got through the day I replied with "Mary helped me through it she said she'd always be here no matter what..." Joey looked back at me and said "exactly she's always gonna be there for you why do you need that blade when you have amazing people like Mary and Dan in your life?" "I-I don't know I j-just feel like it's easier to do that then burden people with my feelings." "Lil.. If someone says they're your friend then your problems aren't burdening them I love you lil and so does everyone around you and they will never stop loving you I promise."
*joeys pov*
Lilly gets into the car and I can tell she's upset which means she found the note. She starts yelling at me over it and I soon calm her down, and ask her what triggered it. She mumbles "basic bitches" which makes me super mad considering it's only her second day of school. We get to the house and she runs straight to her room and Daniel runs up after her and I stand there in awe over how fast he reacted to how she felt, he always ignored her when she came in but I guess her being upset made him want to go after or something.
*daniels pov*
Lilly ran into the house crying and straight up to her room and Joey didn't do anything about it which meant something was up, I knew she wouldn't want to talk to me about it but I thought I'd try anyway. I knock on her door and walk in to find her ripping up a piece of paper and crying like crazy. I ask her what's up and she just kept crying refusing to talk to me. She looked me dead in the eye and said why don't you talk to Joey the snoop and figure it out she snaps and continues to cry and tells me to get out. I don't leave in fact I do something other than leave, I pull her into a hug to show her she can trust me and I'm not just a big jerk that is constantly yelling at Joey. At dinner time she still didn't come downstairs so I snuck some food and a soda from my secret stash and took it to her and as I walk in she's no where to be found and then I hear the shower running so i leave the stuff on her desk with a note and let her finish up. When she's done she texts me and says thanks and then asks for help with homework so I agree and see her smile for the first time since she's been home.
*joeys pov*
Daniel left the room after his phone went off seeing it was a text I decided to see who it was from,
Lilly: can you help me with homework oh and btw thanks for the food😊
I feel betrayed when I see the text because Lilly has always asked me for help and doesn't even talk to Daniel I don't understand how me trying to help her actually upset her, I don't get why she's mad. I broke down and started crying i couldn't take the pressure of knowing she may never trust me again.

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