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I'm sitting there with Daniel twisting the necklace between my fingers and scrolling through Instagram with my other hand "ready to go?" Joey asks hurriedly as he grabs my suitcase and his and we make our way down to the lobby. "lilly!" I hear Zoe call out as we're waiting for our taxi and I turn around and just stare at her "can I talk to you?" "Call me later or something" I say and follow Joey and Daniel out the front doors of the hotel and into the taxi. We make our way to the plane and when I get on I see Connor sitting with Tyler with an expty aisle seat and two other seats in the back, just enough for me to sit with Connor and for Daniel and Joey to sit together, or so I thought "I call Connor" Daniel says quickly and pushes past me and so I make my way to the back and let Joey into the middle seat then I sit on the aisle. *sorry* pops up on my screen and see it's from Connor *good luck* I message back and then we get ready for take off "sorry Daniel took your seat by Connor" Joey whispers and I smile at him then open up a book I had bought randomly at the airport and not much later I fell asleep. I wake up still on the plane but with Connor next to me holding my hand rather than Joey being there and he squeezes my hand lightly seeing I had woken up. "Joey had me switch with him" I smile at him still half asleep and lay my head on his shoulder "Daniel doesn't like this" Connor says "I know" I say back and Connor sighs "what are we going to do?" "Nothing" "what do you mean?" "His opinion doesn't matter con, and if you're wrong for me then it will work out. But right now we're happy and that's what matters" I say and as I do Daniel walks past me to go to the bathroom and looks down quickly as I meet his eyes "were definitely doing this then?" Connor asks and I nod "most definitely" and a huge smile spreads across his face. "there's no one else I'd rather be with right now" he whispers and we stay where we are hand in hand and my head on his shoulder all the way until we land

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