Plane ride

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Joey made a quick trip into Dan and Phil's house hoping nobody saw me and got his stuff. Before I knew it we were at the airport, I soon realized I had left my only friends back at the orphanage in the medical cabinet of my bathroom. My blades were left behind. I began to freak out and have a panic attack as soon as Joey noticed he bent down to my level and held me in a hug until i got back to my normal state. He calmed me down and asked if I wanted to talk about it, I just told him I was nervous about the plane but I could tell he knew I was lying
*joeys pov*
I was checking in our luggage when I heard Lilly crying I quickly pulled her into a hug and asked what was wrong. She claimed it was just nerves about the plane but I could tell it was more than nerves. I didn't want to push her into telling me anything she wasn't ready to talk about with me though, so I just went along with it and finished checking in our luggage.
*lillys pov*
We boarded the plane and I realized how long of a ride it was actually going to be WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO DO ON A TEN HOUR FLIGHT TO LA?!?! I looked up after blasting music for about an hour and see Joey just chatting away into his camera like its no big deal, I wait for him to get done then fall asleep into his shoulder.
*joeys pov*
Lily fell asleep on my shoulder which was a huge relief since now I have time to think about how Daniels going to react. I started crying thinking about all the bad ways he could react and had to quickly quit crying and get rid of all evidence I was since she was starting to wake up.
*lillys pov*
I wake up to see Joey trying to stop crying before I fully wake up. I'm really confused but he faked a smile and sarcastically said good morning! I laughed and went to try and see if the planes wifi would work on YouTube, sadly it didn't and I had to turn my music back on and try and find something else to do.

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