Never let go

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*joeys pov*
I finally after five minutes get Lilly to wake up and she automatically pulls me into a hug. She seems really upset so I ask her what's up and she looks around and tells me about it all, how she doesn't deserve us, how I only adopted her out of pity, and more I look into her eyes as she cries and whispers never let go into my ear and I tell her I won't. I tell her I adopted her cause she's amazing and how I was forcing myself not to adopt anyone and how I felt such a huge connection to her and I never would do that out of pity I tell her how much me and Daniel love her and that we will always be here for her.
*daniels pov*
Joey went to wake her up like 15 minutes ago I wonder what's taking to long. I walk upstairs to find them hugging and crying into each others shoulders and hear him whispering to her, something about never letting go. I walk back down to start breakfast and Joey walks down with Lilly in toll and I text him and tell him we need to talk later, he pulls out his phone and says ok back then puts it away, they continue to talk as I cook breakfast and attempt to join in but I didn't know anything about most things they were talking about when it hit me

She doesn't like you Daniel, she only likes Joey why haven't you noticed she doesn't and will never like you!!!

I drop the spoon and walk to my room in a daze as I hear Joey pick it up and finish up breakfast he then bring my food upstairs to me and we talk.
*joeys pov*
Me and Lilly are talking when Daniel drops his spoon in the middle of cooking, I finish every bring up and take his up to him telling Lilly if be right back. I find him sobbing under the covers of the bed and pull him out and talk to him. Neither of us know why she doesn't seem as fond of him but he is the one who was saying stuff about her doing it herself and how I can't baby her and I'm beginning to think she heard through the wall last night and that's what triggered her to think all those things, after the realization I explained it all to Daniel and he realized how stupid it was of him to say those things and how sorry he was and how much of a jerk he was which cause me to comfort him out of thinking that.
*Lillys pov*
Joeys been gone for a while I think to myself barely nibbling on my toast as Joey walks downstairs and back into the kitchen looking kind of upset. I try to talk to Joey but I just can't think of anything to say so I make the dumb mistake of getting back in my phone and going into Twitter. It was a Wednesday which meant most people had tests so not much should be happening about me on Twitter and then I see the tweets flowing which meant it was passing period ugh "I hate these people so much" I mumble subconsciously as Joey looks curiously at me. "What people?" He asks taking another bite of his food. "People back in London", I reply as he gets on Twitter and puts a picture of us on all social media and says we weren't gonna tell anyone about this until the video tonight but I'm too excited and tags me in it and says I'm his adopted daughter Lilly Graceffa. I look up and hug him and all the tweets come through most supportive and some the jealous people from London still going at it.

Adopted by JOEY GRACEFFA!!!Where stories live. Discover now