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We get through security and onto our plane when Tyler's eye bug out. "Troye..." "yes Tyler" "we left a monster in our bed" "shit" Troye groans and he texts connor and asks him to get Daniel out and I pop in headphones and curl up against the side of the plane and try to sleep since I haven't slept in over 24 hours. "Hey kiddo wake up" Troye says yawning and I see were on the ground again "Are we here already?" I ask him marveling at how fast time seemed to fly by "yep time flies when you're sleeping for the first time in a while" "Zoe' s meeting us at the luggage thing so let's go before she begins to worry" he says and we make our way off the plane and to get our luggage "LILLY!" Zoe screams and she stops me to admire my eyeliner before hugging me "Sorry it caught me off guard" she says giggling as the boys including Alfie gather our bags. "Jesus child what's in this" Tyler grunts "oh come on it isn't the heavy" I say rolling my eyes and taking it from him "welcome to brighton!" Zoe yells to Tyler hugging him "yo" Alfie says smiling at me then hugging the boys after Zoe "omg I have the perfect week planned out for us" Zoe says to me absolutely pumped about me being here "I'm so excited" she squeals and she goes through my bag to see what I've packed the second we get to the hotel were staying at "Okay wow your bag has only perfect clothes in it" she says and she opens my makeup bag and I can hear Tyler vlogging through the wall of our connected room. "These losers are in here going through clothes and makeup" he says rolling his eyes then pointing the camera at us "Tyler the only loser here in Brighton is you" Zoe says and I actually laugh although I'm actually dying inside "Troye Zoe is bullying me" Tyler whines "oh Tyler she's probably just telling the truth" an uninterested Troye says and my phone begins to blow up and Troye comes in the room suddenly interested in what's going on "it's just Joey" I mumble and stand up with a makeup wipe and wipe away the makeup on my face knowing it'll go away soon anyways and I answer his text about me making it and go back to talking to Zoe "So kiddo were gonna head home and I'll come see you in the morning and we can go shopping or something" Zoe says hugging me and closing the door between my room and Troylers. I put in my headphones and blast some music and I hear Tyler begin to snore and the sun begins to set outside the window. "Yo internet what's up" I hear Tyler yell and I groan and see that I actually slept and I slept a lot even after all I slept on the plane. "Good morning" Tyler yells when I open the door separating our rooms and I automatically shut it back seeing he's on a live stream and I'm a mess. I jump into the shower and then go and change into jeans and a panic t-shirt and I quickly straighten my hair and tie a flannel around my waist and throw on black converse. "It lives once again" Tyler yells changing the camera onto me and I roll my eyes and throw my phone on a charger having forgotten to charge it last night. "Ty Zoe is on her way get off your ass and get dressed" Troye says coming out of the bathroom and Tyler rolls his eyes and says goodbye and ends the live stream and heads into the bathroom to get dressed. "I swear he's worse than a child" Troye says rolling his eyes and sitting on the bed. There's a knock on the door after Tyler has gone through three shirts and he still hasn't decided. "Zoe help me pick" "what you have on is fine" she says not even looking in his direction "ooh you look so cute lils!" She yells and I smile at her "thanks Zoe" "Okay so what's today zo?" Troye asks "Uh Alfie had an idea but he had to park before he could come in so it might take a mi-" she's saying when Alfie throws the door open and does his signature "good morning everyone!" Start to his vlog. "Okay so" he says after putting away his camera "I had this idea of going to the pier and then once were there we could split girls and boys and do some shopping and meet back up at lunch and then do some shopping together after lunch then maybe hit the pool or something until dinner then hanging at Jim and Tans place, I mean they don't know y'all are in Brighton and all so I though it would be a pleasant surprise for Tanya" "sounds msrvelous" Tyler says grabbing a backpack hed stuffed with stuff he'd need for the day until we come back for the pool. I go into my room and grab my wallet which I put in my pocket my headphones and my phone and I meet everyone downstairs in the lobby since I had taken the longest to get my stuff together. "Okay losers! To the pier!" Alfie yells and the boys rush to get into a cab and we follow slbehind slowly "You know the pier is still going to be there whether we get there right now or not right alfie?" "Nope it'll disappear if we don't get there before all the tourists"

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