Idk what to title these anymore and no one reads anyways so whatever

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"what did you and Connor do last night" Joey asks "nothing much" "nice hoodie" Daniel says sitting up in their bed "thanks" I say and there's a knock at the door "I know we went last tnight but do you want to go get coffee again?" Connor asks and Joey nods and hands me some money and I change into some jeans and leave the hoodie on seeing he's wearing it as well "okay we need to switch" he laughs and makes me trade with him and it doesn't look bad on him as it had on me since he's quite tall "that one looks better" he says smiling. As we enter the coffee shop I see zoe sitting at a booth with Alfie laughing and having a great time "hey lilly" she says quite hostily as we walk past her "hey Zoe" I reply trying to not let her get to me since I was finally doing okay "I'll go get us drinks" Connor says as I sit in a back booth and stare down at the texts coming through my phone from molly *come bail me out* *come on lilly* *read my freaking texts* *ugh you suck* she says and I block and delete her number knowing I can do better "you okay?" Connor asks as he sits down with our drinks "yeah" I say back smiling and we talk and drink our drinks "want to go piss off that dude from that store?" Connor asks and I laugh and nod my head yes "don't do anything you'll regret" Zoe calls out as we walk out the door and I find my hand in Connors about halfway to the store and I just smile and keep walking we walk into the store smiling and laughing and the guy inside sighs "back so soon?" He says and we nod and look around "you have some gorgeous stuff in here" Connor says "it's all handmade, last of what my wife got done before she died" "I'm sorry for your loss, she was very talented" Connor says and I nod in agreement and grab a hand carved wooden husky "Joey" I say and Connor nods in agreement so I hold onto it as we continue to look around "sorry I was such a jerk last night" the guy says "it's fine" Connor replies and looks at a shelf full of hand carved animals "did she make these as well?" "No, I would carve them out and she would paint them" "they're gorgeous" "thank you" he says and we turn around to find a shelf full of unpainted ones and he sighs "she was about to start those ones before we found out she was sick" "they're still beautifully carved" Connor says "it's just not the same, I want to run the store but I don't it without her you know? Like this was my dream but now it's broken because my other half is missing" he says softly and I grab a couple more things and take them over to the counter "she designed those sweaters and worked so hard on them treasure those you two, you're beautiful together never give up on eachother" 

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