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"good morning!" Troye yells flipping on the living room lights only to find me curled up in the corner of the couch staring at the wall "awe hon" he says and sits down next to me wrapping his arms around me "Connor is at school but were gonna have a great day together while Tyler films" he says all peppy "he said he wasn't going to forget me last night" i say still sitting there as if i'm absent from the world "yeah but he's been having late nights with school functions and all and he has been caught between no sleep and missing full days of school because he slept all day" i just kind of nod and Troye sits there next to me "we need to get you out of this house" "why? we'll probably just run into Daniel and he'll just yell at me more" i mumble "we wont i promise, put on some hiking clothes, your bags are in the corner over there" he says pointing to the corner and then bounces off to his bedroom. "ready?" he asks grabbing two waterbottles and throwing them into a backpack he has "sure" i reply and follow him to his car and he drives for a while and when we hit a no car zone he parked and got out so i followed him and he turns on music and we just walk for a while before he stops and i look up from the ground and see almost the entirety of LA "breathtaking huh" troye says softly "very" I reply staring at the city from so high up "I come up here when I feel like everything is going wrong and just sit and think for a while" we stand there for a while until troye gets a phone call from Tyler and he walks a few feet back so I couldn't listen in and I stare down at a place I never thought I'd get to, a place I thought I could never find happiness in, a place where I'd never meet my idols and even fall in love with one *I love you so much Connor franta* I text him as tears begin to stream down my face *I love you too* he replies almost instantly and I begin to realize everything is okay and I'm in the arms of someone who got me through so much just through his voice who didn't even know I existed until a few years ago "thank you" I whisper in the arms of troye and he just holds me for a while "Tyler was wanting to meet us for lunch so let's head back and change and stuff so we can make it in time" "okay" I say back and we make our way back down the path and to the car

"It's nice to see a smile on your face again" Tyler says hugging me before we sit down at the table "it's nice to feel happy again" I say genuinely happy about where I am in life "smile y'all" troye says pulling out his phone camera and he takes a picture of all three of us *can't wait to see you tonight* comes up from Connor *I can't wait to see you either, it's been too long* we eat lunch and hang out for a bit but eventually Tyler has to rush off to a meeting and me and troye are walking around downtown LA and we find ourselves walking through The Broad {an art museum in DTLA} and just walking around quietly looking at masterpieces "you're going to end up with a painting in here someday" troye whispers and I give him a look of doubt "I'm not good enough for that" "sure you are" he replies as I get a text from Connor saying he's headed home "ready to go?" Troye asks checking the time on his phone "if you are" "we're gonna get you the stuff to start your masterpiece tomorrow" "I have some school to catch up on" I reply and his face sinks a bit "it's an online course right?" "Until the end of the semester then I'm jumping back in to an actual school" "okay" troye says disappointedly "I know you'd rather me be at the house with you but this is the last semester of my senior year troye, I've gotta live this one out" "I know" he says as we reach the car and drive back to the house in silence "I have a few hours to spare in the morning before my lessons" I say as we're turning down our street "maybe we can go then?" "Okay" he says with excitement

"Lil!" Connor yells as I get out of the car and he automatically hugs me "sorry I fell asleep on you last night" he says apologetically "it's fine babe" I say just happy to be back in his arms "hearing what happened it was probably best that it was Tyler there and not me anyways" "yeah"  "I love you" "I love you too"

"Get a room!" Tyler yells out his car window as he pulls into the driveway next to connors car and Connor pulls away cheeks red as tomatoes. "embarrassed?" Troye asks ruffing Connors hair and although I didn't think it could get any darker his face turned another shade of red "oh chill" I say and follow troye to the front door where he fumbles around with his key ring trying to find his key to the front door "here" Tyler says rolling his eyes and sticking his key into the door and throwing the door open dramatically "what are y'all afternoon plans?" Tyler asks me and Connor while we're sitting on the couch each leaning against an arm of the couch facing each other and on our phones "I need to do school" I sigh looking at my bag across the room "are you trying to use the force to get it over there?" Troye asks laughing as he grabs the bag and tosses it to me "thanks" I say smirking "that's not something that will happen often, he usually doesn't even leave the couch" Connor says not looking up from his scrolling "usually id fight you but you're right" troye sighs

A couple hours into me doing calculus Connor finally puts down his phone and grabs his backpack from the floor next to him and pulls out a folder and starts on a paper "is all you teenagers do is homework?" "Pretty much" Connor replies and sigh expaseratedly "you good?" "Calculus is not my strong hold" "let me see" he says and I flip the laptop around to him "oh this is easy" he replies after reading it "just do this, this, and this" he says showing me how to do it then returns to whatever he was doing "you seriously don't do anything fun Connor, we haven't busted you for anything yet" "Tyler it's my senior year I don't have time to mess around, it's almost Christmas break though so maybe then" he says super concentrated on what he's doing "ugh fine" Tyler says exaggeratedly and flops onto the armchair "sorry ty" I throw out there and he sinks further into the chair "would at least stop for food?" Tyler asks perking up "sure" Connor says frustrated "what's up?" I ask seeing his face scrunched up with frustration in his eyes "I can't figure out how to word this stupid paper" he says and I slip it out of his grasp and read it "what needs to be reworded?" "I don't know it just doesn't sound right" "it sounds fine to me" "you sure?" "Yeah it's fine" "okay, she's being super picky about midterms" "you should be fine" "okay" "you are an author after all" I say smirking and he rolls his eyes "fooooooooooooooooooood" Tyler yells running down the stairs in nice clothes I look down at the sweats and t-shirt I'm wearing and give him a confused look "get dressed, get dressed, get dressed!" He yells and closes my laptop screen and I sigh "fine" I reply getting up and digging through my suitcase "Tyler I don't have anything nice" I say and he smiles and pulls a sparkly dress from behind his back "oh my God why" I whine as he hands me the dress and heels "because fooooooooooooooooooood!" He yells and practically pushes Connor up the stairs to get him ready "you don't happen to have a curling iron do you?" I ask and he runs upstairs and comes back down with a curling iron "what the heck" I say laughing "Zoe leaves things everywhere when she visits" he says and goes on this tangent about Zoe leaving things places as I curl my hair as quickly as possible and throw on some mascara and lipstick "ready?" He asks as I'm slipping on the heels and I nod so he goes and gets Connor "let's gooooooooo" he yells pulling Connor down the stairs and dragging us to the car

Troye and Tyler talked the whole way to the restaurant and once were there troye hands Connor his debit card and the drives off "we've been set up" I say through laughs "nah I knew" Connor says brushing some hair out of his eyes "oh really" "yeah" "you're too cute" I say as we sit down at a booth in a back corner "I couldn't see my girl for the first time in forever and not surprise her with a fancy ass dinner" "thank you" I say barely able to utter anything through my smile "anytime love" he says holding my hand over the table and flopping through his menu with the other "magical date night?" I hear someone say and look up and see Zoe in a waitress outfit "hey Zo" Connor says not even looking up "whats up franta" "not much, hows the job?" "It's quite swell, ready to order?" Connor orders some fancy meal and I stare at the menu for a moment and then order a chicken tender basket "I m not classy sorry" I shrug and he laughs "I've noticed, but that's what I like about you" he says smiling

We've eaten and talked to Zoe some and sadly it's time to pay and leave "it's been magical" I say to Connor after he asks how it's been "I love being back here with you" I whisper after a moment of silence "I'm glad that you're back" he says and we get up to walk out since Zoe had brought Tyler's card back "by Zoe see you around" Connor calls out as we're walking away "bye Connor" she sighs and doesn't say anything to me as she hadn't all night only addressing Connor "is she mad at me?" I ask him and he shrugs so I just follow beside him as we walk the streets of LA talking and waiting for Tyler to call and see if we're ready so that we can send as much time as possible together. It's been a few hours and we find ourselves on a set of swings talking and Tyler calls Connor "are y'all good?" "Yeah" "I'm headed your way, where are you?" "The park by Zoe and alfies" "okay I'm on my way, don't move" "okay"

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