Chapter 1

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** Paige's Point of View **

"Honey are you sure you'll be ok? It's a long drive." My dad asked me worriedly as he stuffed the last box of things for college into my small, white, Kia Optima.

I interrupted him before he could speak again. "Mom! You let the dog out!"

"God dammit, Adam we need to get this dog an electric fence!" My mom yelled at my dad as she ran after the dog who was now chasing a bird.

"No we don't, maybe if you'd stop standing with the door wide open." He mumbled angrily under his breathe. "Paige, are you positive you'll be ok?" He went back to our previous conversation.

"Yes dad, I'll be fine." I tightening the hair tie on my dirty blonde hair that was up in a bun. "I'm about to shave my head." I got annoyed as a single piece of hair slipped out of the bun.

My mom arrived back with the small but fat, lapdog in her arms. "Do you have everything sweetie?" She asked me as someone came running out of the front door.

"YOU CAN'T FORGET THIS BABE!" My boyfriend, Luke ran out of the door carrying my globe that he had got me before the school year ended. It had a deep meaning to both of us.

"Aw shit, thanks Luke. I would cry if I forgot this." He handed it over to me as I reached up to give him a kiss on the lips.

I put the globe in the passenger seat. The early September sun was high in the sky, shining down onto us all. A grey Toyota pulled next to my car in the drive way, I looked up to see it was my cousins.

I smiled, rushing over to give my 5 month pregnant cousin a hug. "How's baby Forris doing in there?" I asked her as Isaac, her husband came over and gave me a quick side hug.

"Baby Forris is excited to meet their god mother." Isaac laughed kissing Karen, my cousin on the cheek. He turned around, him and Luke did some handshake thing they made up since they've gotten pretty close over the summer.

Luke grabbed onto my hand. "Can I talk to you in private for a few moments?" He asked me before I nodded.

"Guys we will be right back."

He led me to the back of my house where no one could see us. He looked down into my eyes, without saying a word he kissed me as hard and passionately as he did on graduation day. I could almost see the red, paint chipping lockers that lined the walls. If I looked closer enough I could just see the wooden door with the name plate of Mr Forris on it, below it labeled 12th grade History.

Luke's lips left mine and I was back in reality of kissing in my backyard. Facing reality that Daniel was still gone, and high school is still over. I opened my eyes to make eye contact with Luke again.

"I'm going to miss you so damn much Paige." He told me, tears forming in my eyes. I placed my hand on his chest.

"It's not too late Luke, you can try to get into a college late." I pleaded to him, wanting him to go off to college with me.

"I'm sorry Paige, we discussed this.... College just isn't for me." He told me, wiping a tear that had escaped my eye off of my cheek. "I'll come down to Florida to visit you as much as I can, I promise. I'll go to college parties with you, maybe I'll even sneak into a frat."

I giggled at his attempt to cheer me up, yet it didn't last long. "I have to leave in 5 minutes, we should start wrapping things up so I don't cry." He nodded.

"One last kiss before you go?" He asked me before pulling me into a kiss before I could even answer his question. I pulled away as I had to leave. He frowned, walking me back out front where my family waited by my car that was all packed up for my new journey.

"You better start saying your goodbyes, you've got to leave in a few minutes if you don't want to get caught in traffic." My dad said, being strong but I could see it in his eyes that he was sad I was going off to a college that far.

First I hugged my parents so my mom could at least try to hide her tears from everyone else. Then I hugged my cousin.

"Make sure baby Forris is good if he's here before I can make it back." I told her with a smile that hid the pain of leaving.

I went up to Isaac. "So dork, I guess this is it for a bit eh?" He asked me as he rocked back and forth on his heels.

"I guess so." Isaac reached for my hand, he opened it up, placing a key in it. I shot him a confused look. "What is this for?"

"This use to be his, just a little thing to keep with you to keep him close." Isaac shrugged off his kind gesture before giving me a hug. "I'll miss you Dawson." He said into my ear as we hugged.

"I'll miss you Forris." I replied, as he let go of me. He gave me a quick pat on the back as I gave Luke a quick hug, not wanting to break down.

"Call me as soon as you get to the hotel." He demanded me.

"Will do, Blondie." He smiled at the nickname I use to call him when we first started talking.

I gave them all a wave before I got into my car. Taking a breath before starting the engine and driving out of my driveway. As I pulled downed my road I watched them in the rear view mirror, they watched me leave. Isaac gave Luke a pat on the back, before saluting me.... A gesture of good luck that his co workers usually did before going to a dangerous crime scene. Now here I am, leaving my whole life I had before. Going off to my next step in life. Where my future will be determined in many ways.

Florida, here I come.


I just am feeling really unstable after writing that because UGH #Laige is back and I couldn't be happier. That's the first chapter of the sequel of 180 Day Revolution and I hope you enjoyed it. :)

Songs for chapters will be back starting in chapter 2....

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