Chapter 15

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** Paige's Point Of View **

The time finally came for Daniel to go talk to Isaac. This one was definitely going to be brutal. I knew for a fact that Isaac will not be happy. Daniel hid outside while me and Luke went inside. I had a strong feeling that Luke would have to break up a beating.

I walked inside as they led us to the living room. "Isaac I think there's something I should tell you, we'll both of you actually." I spoke as I sat down on their couch, Luke next to me.

Desperate I was just to get this over with, I wanted to do everything in my might to get everything back to the way it was last year. I knew it didn't work that way but I was determined to try and at least do some damage control.

"What's up Dawson?" He asked plopping himself down into the leather recliner. Karen sat on the love seat.

"I don't want to blab on a lot but me and Luke took a little break and I went and did some things....... We are back together now but what I have to tell you is that....." Isaac shot me a weird glare. "I'm pregnant Isaac."

"Woah what! You two are having a kid! That's great but your so young." He exclaimed scratching his head. Luke coughed obnoxiously loud.

"I'm not the father." Luke said awkwardly tapping his foot against the carpeted floor of their house. I nudged Luke to continue since I really didn't want to have to say it again. "Your brother is..... Daniel is the father."

Isaac practically choked her began to laugh so hard. "Guys that's not funny." He tried to say as he laughed. Me and Luke sat here straight faced, along with Karen who seemed to believe us.

"Honey, I don't think they are shitting you." She hit his shoulder wanting him to settle down. "I knew I shouldn't of trusted him." She muttered to herself.

Isaac made eye contact with me and that's when he realized that I wasn't shitting him, at all. We sat in silence as Isaac closed his eyes, thinking whatever he was.

"Is...... Is he here?" Isaac asked me as if I was a medium talking to a spirit. I nodded my head towards the door and me and Luke stood up as so did Isaac. He walked towards the door.

Isaac took a breath before slowly turning the door handle. The door clicked open as he pushed on it. He took a step out, us all peeking over his shoulder. Daniel stood at the bottom of the steps, staring up at Isaac.

"How could you." Was all that Isaac managed to say the Daniel who stood their helplessly and extremely guilty. "First you run away faking you death perfectly which caused us enough pain, then you knock Paige up." He snarled at Daniel as he slowly stepped down the stairs closer to Daniel. I kept looking at Luke to make sure to run into there if he swung a punch. Karen had her hand on my shoulder. "Your so lucky it's not illegal to fake your death." He took another step towards Daniel, examining him the same way my parents had.

"I'm sorry Isaac." Daniel spurred out.

"Sorry isn't enough, I have to focus on Karen right now, not rebuilding our friendship you asshole." I watched him pull his arm back as fast as possible. I nudged Luke forward and before he could get there Isaac's fist had collided with Daniel's face. Yet Daniel stood their, taking it all in. His lip was bleeding yet he stood there.

Isaac swung his arm back again but this time Luke jumped in front of Daniel, taking the hit and he fell back. Isaac completely ignored the fact that Luke got punched.

I rushed down the steps pushing Daniel out of the way before he got another blow to the head. He stepped away as I pushed him, yet I got pounding in the head. I groaned falling to the ground.

Suddenly it felt as if there was a heartbeat in my head. I've never been punched that hard. I landed on my stomach fairly hard. I heard a gasp and someone call my name but I couldn't make out who it was.

"Luke." Was all I could say before I closed my eyes, blanking out.


I opened my eyes slowly as I noticed someone was shining a light in my face. "Ow." I groaned closing them after it felt as if the light was burning through my eyes. 

"She's awake." Whoever was shining the light in my eyes yelled to whoever else was nearby. Further away I heard two people arguing.

"Just because he's back doesn't mean you have to kill him! He's the father of her kid so you better except the fact that he's your brother and you can't abandon him and Paige." I recognized the voice as Karen's. "She's in there with a busted lip and a bruised face because of you."

"Babe, can you open your eyes and look at me?" Said a voice that was obviously Luke's.

"It hurts." I mumbled.

"Come on, please just try. I want to see those beautiful eyes of yours." He pleaded.

I opened my eyes, squinting since it hurt as he shined a light back in my face. "Ow Luke!" I groaned shutting them again, moving a bit. "Fuck it hurts."

"Im sorry I had to make sure they were dilating ok...... What hurts?" He asked me.

"I don't know, it all hurts. Where am I? Where's Daniel?" I was practically crying at this point. It hurt to open my eyes and I felt like I got hit by a truck. A wave a pain came over me. "The baby." I said. "My stomach hurts Luke."

"I'm right here, your at Isaac's still." Daniel spoke up from besides Luke.

"Is she ok?" Isaac said as he must've just entered the room.

"We should call the doctor, her stomach hurts." Daniel suggested.

"I didn't punch her in the stomach." Isaac scoffed.

"It's the way she landed Isaac, she was like on the curb." Luke mentioned.

"It hurts!" I complained even more as I tried to move again."


They ended calling the doctor and since I refused to go in an ambulance, they had to come to me.

They checked for a heartbeat in the baby and they found one. They did a few other tests to see if me and the baby were ok and Luke awkwardly explained what happened as they patched both him and Daniel up also.

They put me on bed rest and Karen called my parents for me and told them what happened and they rushed down to Isaac's house.

"We didn't want her to stay at our house." I heard my parents talking to Isaac in the hallway when they thought I was asleep.

"She can stay with me?" Daniel suggested. Yet there was silence after that.

"Daniel you have a spare bedroom in your house right? Me and Paige can sleep there so my mom isn't around bothering us at all and we can both keep a close eye on her?" Luke asked and Daniel was on about the idea.

"Fine, but Daniel. Keep your hands off her." My father made very clear to him. "Happy f*cking thanksgiving family!"


I can't explain my chapters at this point at all...... Just barley making it through now...... Thanks for reading lol 17 chapters left.

Song: Heathens / tøp

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