Chapter 10

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This chapter skips around a ton :(

Three weeks later came faster than expected. It was a Friday and the fall air had kicked in fairly fast.

I smiled while looking down at my phone. "You know what a year ago today was?" I asked Daniel who sat across from me on the park bench that we sat at.

He looked up intrigued in finding out what was a year ago today. He tilted his chin up, signaling me to go on.

I continued on speaking. "We first came out about the whole sex thing." Somehow I found that to be hilarious at that point since in the past three weeks me and him had sex many other times.

"Do you plan on getting Luke back anytime soon?" He questioned me in a very serious manner. "The longer you wait the more your going to baste in your own pain."

I was taken back on his statement, now wondering if it was time to go back. Daniel as my pain reliever wasn't going to last forever and we both knew that. That's probably the reason I'm not hurt at all when he's basically telling me we need to stop because I need Luke.

It made sense, Daniel was the one making his own pain by getting rid of mine. He wouldn't come out and say it but I knew exactly what he was thinking.

"I will." I said looking at a humming bird that sat on a branch on a nearby tree.

"When?" He interrogated me about it. "You say that now but it won't happen. Maybe your not in pain but I sure as hell am Paige." Boom. There he said it.

"Daniel I promise I will. Just tonight turned into way more than one night, I think my roommate might miss me anyways." I laughed and he actually cracked a smile. He tried to hide it before he started laughing too.

"Good, because I don't want to lose you as a friend......"

"I don't want to lose you as family... When do you plan on going home?" Once again the conversation jumped extremely fast. So many topics and so little patience to wait for them all to be discussed. "You don't plan on hiding forever do you? You've got to go home at some point, once I leave college I'm not coming back."

His eyebrows furrowed and he looked away as if he tried not to make eye contact with me. I felt a pang of knowing. He wasn't coming home.

"I can't keep going to Florida to visit you, it doesn't work like that." My words flooded out. "No no no, I need to start my life up. I can't be held back by that. You need to go home."


Daniel turned to look at me and I saw right into his eyes. "I'm not coming home Paige." He told me sternly, tears in his eyes along with mine. "Your right, it doesn't work like that. I need to stay here and I'm not going to hold your life back."

"Good. Don't hold my life back, because that's totally what you haven't been doing for the past YEAR!" I stood up. "I'll go get Luke right now! There are you happy?" Marching away he didn't come after me. It wasn't a good time for me and him to discuss that. In all honesty I didn't even want to discuss it ever.


I didn't go for Luke that day, I couldn't bring myself to. I felt as if he was over me. He hurt me and here I am dragging myself to dial his number.

My breath hitched as I heard him pick up on the other end.

"I went home." Were the first things he said, and as soon as he said that I felt myself grabbing my charger and laptop. The conversation lasted no longer than 10 seconds because I knew what I was doing and I sure as heck wasn't doing it over the phone. Clothes weren't an option at this point. Just before walking out my dorm door I wrote up a note and placed it on Janine's bed.

I was going home for him.


I sat on the plane, typing up emails that I would send the all of my professors later on that day when I arrive back in New York. I would've packed clothes but I have stuff at my house and it wouldn't make sense since I am only here to get Luke back.

A few hours of napping and eating plane food and the ride finally ended. I touch downed back in New York and just needed to get a ride to Luke.

My phone rang as I called my mom. Hoping that she answered so I didn't have to call a cab. With my luck she didn't answer and I walked over to where 7 taxi cabs waited to pick people up and bring them places.

I got in one and told the person driving Luke's address.


Arriving at Luke's house I saw a light on in his bedroom, it was 6 now and the sun was starting to set sooner since it was full swing into fall.

I took a deep breath before getting out of the cab after paying the driver and thanking the middle aged man.

Walking up the dimly lit up walkway to the front door I thought back to the first time me and Luke hung out. He asked me to come over so we could work on our amendment project together. We ended up getting a ton of work done along with eating a ton of pizza.

Flashbacks corrupted my mind, fading away the present time that was most important to me right now. Before I even rang the doorbell, the door opened waking me out of my daydreams.

Looking ahead stood Luke. His tall, broad body in front of me. He wore black everything, from head to toe. Black snapback, long sleeved shirt, jeans, and shoes. The only color was his eyes that stared into mine, making me want to melt and seep into the cracks in the walkway.

For a moment we just looked at each other, neither of us wanting to speak or move closer to each other.

"I'm so sorry." I said desperately looking at him. He took a step forward, closing the gap between us. His long arms wrapped around me, pulling me right into his chest. I clutched onto the fabric of his shirt, taking in the scent of his cologne.

"You aren't the one who needs to apologize, it's me." He whispered, I felt his warm breath on my neck. "Come inside it's chilly out."

We pulled away as he led me into his house. "Is Liz home?" I questioned him looking around the room we stood in.

"No.... Paige, you have no idea the guilt I felt, feel, and most likely forever will feel. When I realized how much I hurt you I didn't want to take blame for my mistakes." I nodded taking in his words. "I didn't come after you because I knew what I did was wrong, I had no right to chase after you after the pain I caused you."

"I forgive you Luke, but I should let you know.... Me and Daniel are friends again, not as close as before yet..... We are getting there though." At the sound of Daniel's name I watched Luke tense up.

"If that's what you want than I will except him back into my life as well."

I stepped forward, giving him a light peck on the lips. I pulled away slowly. Before I even had the chance to breathe Luke grabbed onto my cheeks and slammed his lips onto mine.

The warmth of his mouth sent current through my body. I threw my arms around his neck never wanting to end this kiss.

Hesitantly we both pulled away. "It's you, and it's always been you. I want to fight with you, I want to have another revolution with you. I don't want to surrender, I am willing to fight for us." His sapphire blue eyes burned into my eyes, sending chills down my spine.

"Welcome to the revolution of the best year of our lives." I whispered to him, looking away.


#Laige + #Paniel
I honestly fall in love with my own characters and I cry so hard while writing..... I'm a wreck right now, so many references to 180 days I can't handle it.....

The Last Revolution | Luke Hemmings Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant