Chapter 4

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The exact moment when Reese told me that someone was here for me was the moment I knew I had to suck it up. I had to find out everything. I didn't even bother to ask how he knew where I was.

I walked to the door, keeping my eyes low so I wouldn't catch eye contact. I knew I'd fall in. If I fell in now, I'd just flip out later. I'd rather not forgive for what I know.

Of course, my eyes went up. My body fell weak, I couldn't feel anything. The hazel eyes, watery with the regret, had locked onto mine. Before I could even breathe again I was in the arms of his. I held on choking on air for what felt like too long.

My eyes had turned into faucets as I held onto the thin fabric of the shirt. No words came out of my mouth. I knew what I saw was real, my proof is right in my arms.

Minutes after minutes passed and I made home in this position. After my sobs were contained I pulled away, looking up into his eyes. A sick feeling washes over me.

"If you have one reason why you think I should give you a chance to talk then now is your time to give me that reason."

"Because I never wanted this to go this way."

I sighed, leading him outside the dormitory building. The awkward elevator trip down was silent as can be.

Walking over to a shady spot under a tree I sat down on the bench, sitting was probably a good idea.

"Did you ever wonder why in the hospital, you never saw "my" body, or why there was no viewing of "my" body? Did you ever stop to think? To put the pieces together." He put finger quotes around the "me".

"No it's not just everyday that your fucking best friend fakes their death without a damn care in the world!" I cursed at him, looking at the ground angrily. "You let me down Daniel. You must've really hated people to do this. What kind of sick mind do you have."

"It was because I loved you.... And I knew I just couldn't live without you." I looked up to see a tear roll down his cheek. "I messed up so much, I didn't think you'd care if I was gone. You had Luke, and when you told me we couldn't have anything, I didn't know how to take it." As he spoke the pain in my heart grew more intense. As I heard the strain in his voice, keeping him together. It pulled me a part.

"I made the bet because I knew I couldn't have you, and I knew that Luke could. I knew that he'd take care of you the same way I would've." He stifled out a sob. "I was too greedy to accept having you as just a friend, so I ruined everything to get away."

"I think that's enough Daniel." I stood up to face him face to face. His eyes were red from the tears now and the stress lines on his forehead were more precise than they were ever before.

"I'd trade anything I've ever had, just for one last chance to make up for all of my wrongs." He said, his voice soft to the point of a whisper.

"You can trade your mistakes for sheep, but I won't be the one counting them..... Move on. We all want what we can't have, and that's just how life is. You gave me so much to live for, I cried for so long Daniel. Your parents..... Isaac.... Luke even shed a tear."

He was silent in return.

"You cheated me Daniel. How did nobody realize it wasn't you. Why'd you come here?"

"I wasn't going to do it, until I watched that car accident happen. I was on my way to get my note that meant I could run again. I saw the car flip over, less than a second after we hung up the phone." He spoke, his voice cracking in between.

"Nothing adds up... You were my best friend, I didn't think I could go on without there to support me."

"And it's all my fault."

I reached into my pocket until I felt the two cold things. I pulled out the smaller one first. The key Isaac gave to me. "I think you should take this back." I placed it into his hand. Then I pulled out the other thing. The medal I got when I broke the school record that day. The lies that went through my mind as I ran, and I had no thought of it. I took one last glance at it before putting that into Daniel's open hand too.

His mouth hung open. "You did it?"

I let out a quiet annoyed laugh. "Well at the time I thought WE did it." I emphasized the WE. "Don't try to beg for me back, don't come for me again. I don't want, nor need you back in my life. You've gone too far this time. Luke's coming tomorrow and I swear to god he sees you around he'll beat the living shit out of you." I looked him in the eye one last time. "Goodbye Daniel."

I spun on my heels and walked away with the feeling of his eyes burning through the back of me. The mistakes he's made were to much to ever overcome. The anger I had inside me was bottled up until I knew for sure he left. The amount of times I've fell into him. His charisma was something of the evil.

I marched up to my room, storming in with the tears rolling down my face.

"Paige?" Janine asked but I ignored her as I swooped the globe up off of my desk.

I went back outside. "Goodbye Daniel." I said once more, but this time to the globe that was in my hands.

I threw my arms back, throwing the globe to the edge of the paved curb. I heard a cracking sound and I kicked it. I kicked it once, I kicked it twice. I kept kicking it as I watched it shatter into pieces each time I kicked it. I dug my foot into it, I did anything.

I screamed as I put all of my force into jumping on it, the last chunk of wood split from it. "You son of a bitch!" I yelled at it, crying as people crowded around me.

I gave it one last kick before running into my dorm to never see that damn globe again. The broken pieces lay outside to be removed by morning. I wasn't afraid anymore.

Never again.

NEVER again.


Song: What We Ain't Got (Jake Owen)

This chapter was really emotional and confusing and ugh. S/o to Daniel Forris for coming back and being as annoying as he was the first time around. :-)

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