Chapter 9

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I went back to my dorm to find Janine sprawled out across the floor on her laptop watching cat videos. (Literally me, just saying)

"Woah! It's been days, where have you been?" She asked me genuinely concerned about my recent whereabouts. Grabbing my charger off my desk I plugged it into the lamp and plugged my phone in to charge.

"I've been at my friend Daniel's, I spent the night there and I will probably be there again tonight." I told her, laying down on my bed staring up at the ceiling. Sounds of cats purring came out of her laptop.

I heard her shut her laptop and the cat purring stopped as she did so. She climbed up onto her bed which is across from mine.

My phone rang and I sat up to answer it.

"Hello?" I asked into the phone. It was Daniel.

"You didn't have to leave you know, come over for dinner tonight and spend the night again." He begged me. I agreed without a doubt.


As we ate pizza we watched Young and Hungry together, my favorite show that he did not want to watch. He gave in after I told him he couldn't have pizza unless he watched an episode with me.

In my mind I pictured Luke with me, yet open my eyes and it's Daniel. I scrolled through the pictures on my phone, all the pictures of me and Luke. All the memories. I didn't want to leave that all behind, especially my senior year in general. I wish I knew what was best for me though.

Daniel must've had been looking over my shoulder because he stood up and went to sit on the recliner. I didn't focus on him though, I focused on the picture of me and Luke on graduation day. Calum giving us both bunny ears in the background.

A moment I wouldn't change for the world.

"I hate being stressed." I said while looking through more photos.

"You always get too stressed. You've always been like this, you get anxiety over everything." He told me, his eyes staring into my soul like they did the day I came back to track after being 'sick'.

In reality I was too scared after the whole masquerade thing to face people because I was afraid they'd find out or that Daniel would want to talk to me about it.

"I don't try to have an anxiety attack whenever I do something stupid."

"It's not even stupid stuff, you worry too much and it makes you panic." He said with a frown face.

I sat their marred in confusion. Struggling to understand myself was a different story for another time. I wanted the conversation to change away from my anxiety issue.

"You know what I see?" He studied me from head to my bare feet that rested on his coffee table.

"What?" I tipped my chin back to look at him.

He waited a moment before speaking. "I see a beautiful girl with a big heart and a corrupted mind." He continued on. "Your thoughts and ideas damaged by broken promises and lies. I see you constantly battling with your heart because your heart chooses to feel what your mind chooses to ignore."

I didn't say a word. My eyes were wide staring at him in disbelief. Not because he just came out and said that, but because he came out and said the absolute truth. That was the reality of it all. My heart chooses to feel what my mind chooses to ignore.

Heat rose to my once flushed cheeks and I looked down at my lap. Bringing my knees to my chest I sat there.

"You know it's true so why won't you stop ignoring what your heart feels?" He asked me assertively.

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