Chapter 16

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Thanksgiving was a few days after and it was the most awkward thing. Luke had to sit at the table with Daniel alone and they had to bring me my food since I was stuck in bed. Daniel got his house back and they removed the grave from the cemetery too.

His parents were the only people by now that didn't know about Daniel being back by now which put the whole family at a stand point. At this point I was wishing the rest of my life away.

I was miserable and staying at Daniel's only made it worse since it brought back bad memories.

"I hate my life." I groaned as I sat in bed flicking through the channels. Like always, nothing good was on.

"I don't think it gets any worse then this." Daniel said as he casually walked by the room carrying a thing of laundry.

"I second that." Luke added, walking in and crawling next to me in bed.

"I said that last time too, now look at where we all are." I'm practically dead at this point, my body is in no ways ready to have a living human be inside it. The cramps have taken me over and it's hard to even walk. I dread waking up at this point.

I still had people to talk to but I thought it'd be best to do a group at once. Luke called up Michael, Ashton, and Calum. I called up Brooklyn.

They all came to 'Daniel's' house. I had to get it out of the way.


When they arrived I had Luke move me to the couch so all of us could explain. "Holy shit Forris is alive!" Michael practically screeched when he walked in to see Daniel standing there. "Throw back when you kicked me out on the like second day of class."

"You deserved it." Daniel responded casually tapping his foot against the floor.

Everyone moved into the living room and they were all extremely confused. "I thought?" Brooklyn questioned not even being able to finish her statement as she stared at a live and mostly well Daniel. "This makes no sense."

"I faked my death ok? You all obviously know everything that happened with me in Paige years ago so I left. Then I got her pregnant so yippee." He rolled his eyes and I watched as Calum slammed his hand down onto the end table.

"You what! Paige!" He looked over to me in shock. "Luke!"

The three of us, Daniel, me, and Luke all sat their completely calm.

"Ok so your telling us that you got Paige pregnant? Nobody ever told me what happened years ago?" Ashton panicked. "Someone tell me."

"When I was a freshman I went to a masquerade party and lost my virginity to the person I met that night, also know as Daniel." I said casually, as if it was just a ripple in the water by now.

"Holy shit, why had nobody told me this." Calum said. "You were our f*cking teacher!" He laughed but not a happy laugh, more like a 'I'm trying to hide how much I'm uncomfortable right now' laugh. "That's messed up."

"Your pregnant right now? Like there's a fetus in your stomach." Michael interrogated me. "Daniel's sperm combined with your egg to make a fetus?"

"Yes, good to know you paid attention in health class because obviously you never paid attention in mine." Daniel shot at Michael.

"You called us all here to tell us that you knocked up Paige and it's not the first time it's happened?" Ashton sneered at Daniel.

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