Chapter 11

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It was quite the rude awakening when I woke up with my gut wrenching. I got out of that bed with Luke faster than I could've ever imagined myself to get up. The nausea hit me in a quick wave, causing me to move fast, waking Luke up in the process.

Morning light filled the house since it was around eight. I made my way straight to the bathroom where I practically threw myself at the toilet, thankful for once that Luke left the seat up.

I heaved into the toilet spilling out everything that was in my gut which didn't happen to be much what so ever. Out of breath I sat laid against the wall in front of the toilet. I rested my head back, my cramped up stomach. No more nausea was felt at that moment.

My eyes looked up to see Luke standing in the doorway. "Are you ok or do you think your going to vomit again?" He asked me, looking down at his bare feet that must've been cold against the tile of the bathroom.

"I think I'm fine." Closing my eyes slowly I prayed it was just a slight fever.


Later that day I decided that I was fine to go out and do things. I visited my parents to get closed, I emailed work to my professors, and lastly I visited Isaac and Karen.

Me and Luke walked into Karen and Isaac's home. They greeted us at the doorway.

"Paige! Come look!" Karen said ecstatically as soon as we arrived. I followed her while Luke and Isaac chatted behind us. She led me to the smaller sized room towards the middle of the house.

A smile spread across my face. The nursery. A light pink color covered the walls, cloud decals sat above the white crib, a pink blanket hung over the side. They were going to have a girl.

"We decided we couldn't wait at all to find out the gender.... I was actually going to call you today until I found out you were in town." She straightened a teddy bear on the changing table. "What made you come to New York anyways, we weren't expecting you until before Christmas."

Thinking of an excuse to lay down I looked to Luke who shrugged. "Just some unfinished business I suppose."

She nodded.

"A girl eh? I can't wait to meet her." I genuinely smiled placing my hand on her stomach to see if I could feel the baby kick.

"She hasn't really kicked much at all, the doctor said it's pretty normal for her not to kick."

"I leave to go back tomorrow, I have a ton of work and I just thought I'd make my rounds before leaving." I explained to them. Isaac placed his hand on Karen's shoulder.

"Are you going to come home when she has the baby?" Isaac asked I looked down and noticed he had his fingers crossed.

"I will do my best to be there." He smiled, nodding his head. "So I will call you guys and stuff. Make sure to keep me updated on everything."

"She's not due until February right?" I asked Karen who stood staring about the room, admiring the pastel pink that covered the once white walls.

"Actually the doctor says we can expect her much sooner so mid to beginning of January." She explained to me.

"Ok sounds good."


After we had left me and Luke discussed if he was going to rent a house down by my college so we wouldn't have to be apart.

He told me that he will try to get a place as soon as possible. At this point the skies were clearing up for me and him. There's absolutely nothing that can tear us apart now, no more road blocks to delay what's meant to be.


I arrived back at college later on the next day. Making sure to hang all the work that I missed on my three day hiatus. Three days really pushed me behind the other students.

Pushing away going to see Daniel helped me at this point since I was able to get back where I needed to be. Spending nights in my dorm instead of with someone in bed with me was different, yet it felt good to just be able to relax.

Continuously I began to imagine my whole senior year as a whole. From the assigned seats on the first day, to the day Daniel caught me and Luke in the hallway. Directly to the moment where he told me that I had to coach indoor track. Thinking about it brought a smile to my face. I'd love to have a DVD of that. Imagine being able to watch my whole senior year, taking in all of me and Luke's failed adventures.

Scattered throughout the day I had been vomiting, thankfully I didn't get sick on the plane. That would've been a disaster.

I didn't feel necessarily sick, just weird. I had a gut feeling that something was up, and it didn't cross my mind what it most likely was until I was typing a research paper on, I don't even know what I was writing.

Completely stopping in my tracks, it felt as if my heart stopped to.

12:44 flashed on my clock..... It's to late to go, I'll talk to him tomorrow. I desperately needed to talk to Daniel.

What I needed to say could wait another day. I don't even know if what I think it's is even close to what it could be.

The possibilities at this point were endless.  Fear struck me deep though.


Short chapter because I'm super tired!

My concert is in 16 days exactly and I cannot believe it. I remember counting down in 180 Days to my concert and I wasn't prepared for what to expect. I know what I'm walking into now.

This chapter has been chilling in my drafts for 4 days now so i decided to post it.



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