Chapter 8

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After our eventful walk..... And kiss we made our way back to Daniel's apartment. Went to his bedroom, and fell asleep together.

I woke up this next morning with his arms wrapped around me, pulling me closer to him. The scent of his cologne still lingering from the day prior. Wriggling out of his grasp I got up and went to get a glass of water.

My bare feet were cold walking across the wooden floors that creaked as I took a step. The old apartment was something out of the books, dark wood everywhere. Dim lamps for lights. The morning light that shown through lit my way to the kitchen.

From the cupboard I grabbed a glass, going over to the sink to fill it. I popped a few ice cubes into it, taking a sip.

I heard the floor creek behind me, spinning around to see Daniel standing there.

"Come back to bed with me, it's too early to be up. We have the whole day to sleep." He whined, reaching his hand out to me.

"Good morning to you too then." I giggled. "I'll be there in a minute."

"Good morning Paaaaaige." He sarcastically said, his voice groggy, dragging out the A in Paige. Dropping his hand to his side he shuffled his way back to the bedroom.

Sighing, I placed my now empty glass into the sink that had a few dirty dishes in there. Back in his room I climbed back into the warm blankets.

Pictures of when Luke and I would lay in bed together all day flashed in my mind. I blinked my eyes to get the pictures away but they stayed. Memories flooded back.

From the first time he texted me, straight to the amendments project. Clearly envisioning the day Luke didn't know what the Bill of Rights was.

My day dreaming stopped and I moved closer to Daniel. "The first 10 amendments." I said under my breath. "The first 10."

"The bill of rights." He replied to me.

Pausing for a moment I thought of what to say. "Do you remember when you said, and I quote, I promise you, on the last day of school when you walk out of this room your going to say to yourself, your friends, and your family that this classroom was the best place you've ever been?" I smiled to myself as the statement stuck in my head like it was a tattoo. "I remember it like it was yesterday, I remember walking out on the last day and agreeing too."

"Yeah, how could I forget it?" We buried each other in laughter.  "Remember when I had Isaac bust Luke's party, or when I showed up at your house to seal the bet that you wouldn't accept?" He brought up.

"I almost killed you both of those times, for real." I jokingly replied.

For a few moments neither of us spoke. We were both thinking back at everything that happened before he had "died". All the moments that were "buried" along with "his body". Before all of the lies that over came me, all of the issues. At that moment, September 3rd. I almost thought, that maybe just for a moment everything would be alright.

"I almost left...." I told Daniel who lay there besides me, staring up at the ceiling. "I was going on a road trip, with Brooklyn..... I was going to make sure I never came back."

Confused, he sat up resting his back against the wall. I sat up with him. "Why would you do that?"

"I was afraid of my future, and here I sit now debating on whether leaving Luke was what I wanted all along."

Daniel went to speak up, stopping himself just as he began. We both laid their thinking. The ticking of the grandfather clock in the hall could be heard from here.

"Sometimes the people you want the most are the ones your better without." He sat up, climbing out of the bed. Leaving me bunched up in the blankets. "I have a reason for everything, when I saw the faint glimmer of light in both of your eyes on the first day...... I knew exactly what I was doing." And with that, he left the room with a handful of clothes for him to get dressed for the day after a shower.

Without goodbyes exchanged, I left his apartment with everything I came with. The only thing I left with that I didn't have when I entered was a state of mind.


Paniel af but who cares because I don't :-)

I'm trying not to get to caught up in real life stuff enough to accidentally drag my real life into this book, because that def happened with 180 days..... Anyways thanks for reading my 11 readers

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