Chapter 17

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Daniel and I went back to Florida two days later. I went back to school and things were going pretty 'ok'. Not well enough to boast about anything though.

By now I was fully on board with this whole pregnancy thing which was surprising to me. Luke was full in on searching for a home down in Florida so we can have a place to stay when I have the baby.

I was showing a ton more than I had ever been before and things were changing like always. My professors really put forth their best efforts in making sure I understood and got my work in. I've still been completely stressed.

Constantly I feel sick and the baby is still making me feel like crap but I was excited to be a mother now.

All of my roommates knew about the pregnancy and were as supportive as they could be considering I wasn't that close with them really. Most of my time in college so far was spent at Daniel's apartment.

Earlier that day me and Daniel had met for lunch where he told me some news that I wasn't that happy about yet I ended up giving in. I wasn't going to fight with him, it wasn't worth it.

He told me that in the next few weeks he planned on moving back into his old home back in New York, he talked with the school and they were thinking about giving him the job back since he technically never did anything to the school. They also desperately needed a teacher.

I was extremely worried because if Luke didn't move down here soon and Daniel moved away I would have absolutely no one to help me at all. It wasn't even like my family would be around to help me. I'd be completely alone.

I was most likely going to be in school still by the time I have the baby so it's not worth it.

Beginning to think I came up with many ideas that could work out and make this life maybe just a bit bigger. I was due in late May so if I was out of school already I could have the baby at home and then buy a house back there, I'd transfer to a local college or take up online schooling so I could still get my degree.

Daniel wanted to do everything he could to get his life back and I knew I wanted to help him with that.

With that choice I was willing to give up my dream of attending college here to raise a baby. I'd be closer to Daniel and Luke wouldn't have to move at all to Florida.

I just hoped that soon my family would completely except what happened. Something I learned is that I will never stop crying myself to sleep if I keep feeding my mind off of memories from last year.

If I could go back and change the past I would because I made some choices that I wish I could erase and I am truly not happy for them. The only thing I wouldn't want to change is being with Luke.

If I could change everything that happened after the first week of school then I would.

( December 20th )

** Daniel's Point of View **


"You all better work or I'll add another ten seconds to your set!" I screamed to my team who all were lined up through the gym doing climbers on the floor.

"Coach Forris why do we have practice this week?" One of my fastest runners complained as he took a break from the climbers.

"That's another five seconds just for you." I replied to him in all seriousness, ignoring his question which was something I was known to do.

I had gotten my teaching job back and the substitute that's been here since I left finally got to leave which they were extremely excited about. While I was at it I got to pick up the track team again yet with that it meant I had to be home a week after I told Paige about my plan.

She wasn't to keen on it at first and I felt bad for leaving her there but I told her if she needed anything just to call and I'd try to help her as much as I could.

I was beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel and it was calling my name. Slowly I was moving closer to what I wanted in my life.

Kids and a career.

I took a deep breath of air before blowing it all out into the whistle causing my near by athletes to plug their poor little ears in pain at the noise.

"Toughen up." I told them sternly. Now that I was back there was no messing around. "I can blow it louder."

Most of the younger kids that ran track before I left and the program was dropped came back yet others disappeared. I knew this wasn't going to be a strong year for the team and that we would need a few more years to get back to the level we were at. I was willing to go for it.

Even at the little pay I got.

The principles told me I would be better off not talking about what happened with me and Paige at all to the students. It was my life and they didn't need to know what happening.

Isaac came with me when we went to go tell my parents and my parents didn't care what happened, they were just glad I was back. They wanted to forget everything that happened so that's what we tried to do.

Paige was showing a lot more and it was great knowing that the human growing inside her was part me.

All my runners were mad that we had practice the week of Christmas but the old ones should've known, it's always been like this.

I was feeling great and extremely happy, Paige on the other hand was really struggling.

She's been stressed and the baby has been giving her an extremely hard time. I wish I was there but this is where I want my life and I knew she was strong. I knew she could hold it together until the baby was born.

I felt so much at home again and I loved it.


Later after everyone left practice I stood at the top of the ladder with a clipboard in my hand. I was updating the record board.

I changed it since all the times from last year got written down, only one record was broken after I left.

Girls 1500.

Paige Dawson.

I smiled as I changed out the name and put in the correct time that she ran which beat out the old time which was there before.


4 chapters remaining.

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