Chapter 14

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We flew through the clouds as me, Luke, and Daniel were going home. Our three way seats separating them both with me in the middle. Therefore I can sit by Luke who sat in the window seat yet comfort Daniel who was extremely nervous about going home.

It has been a month since I found out I was pregnant and it's finally time to tell my family since

"This is going to be fun guys!" Luke exclaimed while looking out the window.

"Your not the one pregnant here blondie." I giggled resting my head on him and closing my eyes.

"Blondie is back bitches." Luke laughed at me, reaching over and putting his arm around me.

"Ugh don't get too lovey next to me please, I really don't want you guys joining the mile high club while I'm sitting here." Daniel groaned as he looked down as his magazine.

"Your the one who impregnated my girlfriend." Luke shot back at Daniel who scoffed, rolling up the magazine and shoving into the seats pouch.

"I can't argue with that one." I giggled looking over at Daniel who was basically a stressed wreck right now. Out of nervousness he kept fiddling with his hands and moving around. "Anyways, I was thinking if everyone is on good terms come Thanksgiving dinner you can all join my family. I mean I know Isaac will be stopping by anyways.... Ugh wait a second." I just realized something.

Isaac and Karen were having a kid together and I was pretty sure I never told him.

"Daniel do you not know about Isaac and Karen yet?" I asked him laughing to myself since it totally blew my mind to tell him this, even though it was about his own brother.

"What do you mean?" He questioned me with a confused look plastered over his face now.

"Karen is pregnant." I laughed even harder questioning myself why since it wasn't funny what so ever. "She's due in January."

"Oh shit, I'm going to be an uncle......"

"And a father." Luke added.

"I can't believe this, there's no way they'll except me back into the family. You out of all people know how they are."


"I can't wait to see the boys and Brooklyn!" I exclaimed as me and Luke walked up my doorsteps to my house. The door swung open and there was my parents sitting there.

Daniel had decided to play it low until I texted him with how everything went, his debut was definitely going to be interesting and cause a fuss in town.

Everyone is going to know and want to know what, how, and most truly..... WHY.

"Paige!" My mom exclaimed pulling me into a big hug. Next to me my dad and Luke shook hands.

After a good minute my mom let go of me and I gave my dad a quick hug. I didn't know if I should tell them now or wait. I decided to wait a little bit until we are settled.

They led us both into the house, letting us settle in on the couch. I kicked my shoes off and Luke did the same as we both made our home on the couch. Luke put his arm around me and was staring at the floor.

I followed his eyes to the floor where there was a small red stain. The stain from the day we were decorating our graduation caps. Ashton had spilt the container of liquid red glitter all over the carpet, staining it.

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