Chapter 12

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The next morning I only had one class that day. Thankfully it was early so I could get it out of the way and go see Daniel.

While making my way to class I sent Daniel a text telling him to meet me at the park at around 11:30. As I entered the building he replied with a "ok I'll be there".

Class went by extremely slowly that day. All my notes were sloppy since I was anxious to speak to Daniel. Even thought my ideas of possibilities could be wrong there was just feeling deep down. It was like I had to be right.

I hoped I wasn't right.

I drove to the park since it was a little ways from campus, I didn't feel like walking that far.

As I made my way into the park I spotted Daniel sitting down on the bench that we had kissed on a few weeks back. Walking over to him it had felt as if my legs were weighted. For some reason my body felt heavier as I walked closer.

"Hey, thanks for coming to see me." I told him while taking a seat next to him on the bench. He looked up from his phone, turning it off and sliding it into his back pocket.

"No problem, is something wrong?" He questioned me with a look of confusion on his face. His dark eyes examined me, looking for any body language that would be able to tell him if something was wrong. I gave him nothing.

"Not necessarily, I think it's just best that we talk right now." I basically demanded him and he nodded. Continuing on I picked a topic and began to talk about it. "What do you want in your future?"

He glared at me, my question catching him a bit off guard. I watched as he looked across the small pond just as he did that night not long ago. "What?"

"Do you picture yourself with a wife? A family of your own? Kids?" Interrogating him I specified my question for him.

"Well...... I picture myself having kids and a family.... I really want kids."

"Will you support me under any circumstance? Will you always stay by my side?" I threw another question at him.

"Dawson, why are you asking me these questions? I'll always be here for you, I'm not going to just leave you here."

Consciously I thought that he was lying, yet at the same time I felt as if he wasn't. "Daniel......." I paused waiting for him to look at me. Soon enough he looked me in the eyes, confused as is. "I think I'm pregnant. I mean like, I haven't took any tests or anything but I've been having symptoms." Pausing again I waited for a reaction but I received nothing in return. "We didn't use any protection what so ever, it's been almost a month now since we first slept with each other. It adds up."

"I think before we make any conclusions that we should go to the store right now and get some pregnancy tests." He said with a straight face staring at me. I went to speak but he shushed me. "Stop worrying it'll make it worse, let's go right now." I just nodded.


We went to his apartment after buying the tests. Just as I was about to walk into the bathroom to take the tests Daniel stopped me. Making me turn around to look at him.

"Don't worry, it'll be fine. If your pregnant than we will figure something out, it's not the end of the world." He flashed me a small smile before light placing his hand on my back. "I'll be right out here waiting."

Nodding, I walked into the bathroom. Not prepared for what could happen next. I was so young. Luke would be so mad at me, he'd leave me for good and never talk to me again. Everything would be ruined. My family would despise me, his family would hate him even more so since he would have to come back to show he's alive.

This can either make or break my life and that was something I wasn't ready for.

I came out of the bathroom after taking two of the tests just to be safe incase the first came out positive. There was a five minute wait until the lines would show up.

Sitting on the couch side by side two cups sat on the table in front of us. The time ticked by faster than I had hoped it would. Five minutes was up before I knew it.

Reaching for one of the cups I pulled out the test. Lightly shaking it.

"Just look and get it over with." He demanded me and I quickly flipped it over, staring at the lines.

Two lines.

"What's two lines mean Paige?" Daniel asked while looking over my shoulder at the first test which lay in my hand.

"Positive." I said emotionless. It was like the air had been taking away from me. I wish I knew why he was being so calm about this whole thing.

"If the second test says the same..... Well your pregnant, if it doesn't. We will take you to the doctors to get an ultrasound or whatever they do." Daniel said.

"You do realize, if I'm pregnant, you can't just pretend like I'm not. Your going to have no choice but to go home....  I'm going to keep the kid, whether you like it or not."

"I know your going to keep the kid, I'm not going to pretend like nothing happened. For gods sakes I'm the one who didn't use a condom." He laughed.

"Why are you so happy, I'm with Luke and I'm pregnant with you child." I groaned picked up the test and looking at it, two lines were there once again. "We are both screwed, this fuels the war to much for me."

"You just have to tell him what happened when I am not around so he doesn't kill me. Try telling Ashton, Michael or Calum first."

"I'm so ashamed you have no idea, I should never of fucked around with anybody, especially you." I buried my face in my hands. "This isn't what I wanted, this isn't what I ever wanted."

"You can make it in to something good, your bringing another piece of life into this world."


"Paige, I am actually happy for us and obviously you aren't so I don't know what else I can do for you. Your going to be a mother and I'm the father, there's nothing else we can do to change that fact."


She's preggo

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