Chapter 18

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Two weeks later I woke up at 1 am to a call from no other than Paige. I rushed to answer the phone because it's unusual for her to call me at this time. Especially since it's the middle of the week and she has classes tomorrow.

"Hello?" I asked her worriedly and immediately she was breathing heavily on the other end. "Paige what happened?"

"I'm on my way to the hospital." She rushed to say and I could hear her voice crack as she spoke. She had been crying.

"Why Paige? What happened?" My heart was pounding. "Did you call Luke first or me?"

"You." She sniffled again, gasping for air. She wouldn't tell me what was wrong. I needed to know. Deep down in my gut I felt a sudden rush of nausea.

I stood up from bed and ran to get myself water in the kitchen, putting her on speaker phone while I stood their, pacing the floor.

"Paige what happened." I demanded her to tell me.

The only thing on my mind at this point was her and the baby. What happened that she needs to go to the hospital.

"The baby." Was all she said to me and I came across sudden realization that is something I would never want to realize.

"I'm sorry Daniel." She cried. "I'll call you after I find out for sure."

With that I was left their in silence and in shock of what she just said.


She hung up on me and I stood there in shock in the kitchen. The baby. I pieced together the pieces to decide on what she was trying to tell me and it didn't make me feel good.

I rarely cry yet right now the tears rolled down my cheeks. I set myself down on the floor right there and buried my head in my hands. Maybe I should've stayed with her.

Maybe if I stayed this wouldn't of happened.

Sliding my sneakers on I left my house and made my way to the car where I drove myself to my parents house. I needed my mom right now and nobody but her.

Standing in front of the door way while I waited for her to answer it, I rang the doorbell about fifty times in a row. I was eager to get inside.

The cold night air made the hair on my legs stand up and I was shivering. One more time I rang the door bell and a light went on in the hallway by the door. Slowly the door was opened and I looked up to see my father standing there in his pajamas.

"Why are you here Daniel?" He asked me before he looked into my eyes. "Have you been crying?" He moved out of the way so I could come inside the house.

"Wake mom up." I demanded him as I began to make my way into the kitchen. I sat down at the kitchen table, the old wood chair creaked as I sat down on it.

He left to go get her and in less than five minutes she walked into the kitchen to see me sitting there with my head down on the table.

"Daniel what happened to you." She asked coming over to me, my dad did the same. Both of them sitting down at the table.

"It's Paige." I mumbled into my arm since I was covering my face so they didn't see me. I ended up giving up and lifting my head to look at them. "The baby."

My mothers mouth dropped open. "Is it...." She replied quietly and we were cut off by my cellphone ringing.

In less than a second I had answered the call which I hoped to be Paige. Luckily I heard her on the other end and my parents watched and listened carefully.

She didn't have to say anything for me to know that it was true. She was crying on the other end.

"Oh Paige." I cried covering my teary eyes with my hand and tried to muffle my sobs. I didn't want her to hear me like this but truly I couldn't hold it together.

I wish I was there right now, to hold her and comfort her. A long few months it's been to only end as bad as it could of ever gotten.

Glancing up at my mom her eyes were also teary and my dad was hugging her.

"Tell the school I won't be in tomorrow." I told my father who sat their in shock.


Our baby had been lost to natural causes in the earlier hours of January 5th.

Nobody was happy, but it was a sore subject to bring up. We began by letting those close to us know, then it spread to co workers and professors.

Everyone gave us their condolences.

Paige flew home for a funeral where we would all watch as the baby got as close as it ever would to a burial for itself. Since their was no baby their was just the grave and memories of the pregnancy.

It was something so tragic that nobody would want to go through, losing someone before you even met them. Someone who was part of you. Someone who was you.

Those short few months brought family back together and I couldn't be more proud of Paige for her being as strong as she could be, having her life be pulled a part.

I was extremely down about the whole thing. As Paige's mother spoke about the pregnancy to everyone that had came I looked over to see Luke hugging Paige.

"I'm sorry." I read his lips as he spoke to her. The cold air biting at my ears as snow flurried down.

The ceremony ended leaving us all in aw. Nobody knew what to say, or how to say it. Yet everyone knew that it wasn't going to be easy.

Just as things were turning out to be fine again tragedy had to strike. This isn't how we planned it yet we had to move on.

Paige was now free to have it her way, it was her choice whether to keep me in her life or not and I was fine with her either way. I wasn't going to make things any harder than I had in the past.

I was done running from the past.

Brooklyn, Michael, Ashton, and Calum had shown up, also giving their apologizes to both Paige and I.

The war was nearing an end, a war I've spectated since September third of last year. A war that would end soon.



Baby Forris

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