Chapter 19

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** Paige's point of view **

Dragging my baggage behind me I made my way through the airport. I was home. For good.

It's late May and the sky opened as soon as my plane touched ground in New York. I looked ahead to see Luke holding a sign that said 'Mrs Hemmings' on it. Smiling I ran towards him, very much confused as why it said 'Mrs Hemmings' when it was obviously for me.

Luke and I were stronger than ever, after the baby passed away Luke stepped up and made sure he was key in my life. The same way he had last year, yet this time I knew it would be forever.

Daniel settled in again, making the school and track his main objectives. The team actually pulled through and won sectionals which he didn't believe would happen, especially after everything that happened.

As soon as I arrived to Luke I dropped my bag as he dropped the sign, jumping up and wrapping my arms around him. "I'm home." I whispered excited as I nuzzled my head into his neck.

Baby Forris, also know as baby Hazel was born just as planned in late January. Her first months were a hassle for Karen but she is a good baby and everyone loves her. Daniel is a fantastic uncle and Isaac fully accepted Daniel back. Their brotherly bond is stronger than ever before.

"I've missed you so much Paige." Luke said setting me back down so my feet touched the tiled floor. People rushed around us as we stood their in the middle of the airport. I looked to the floor where their was the sign laying there.

"The name on the sign? I'm confused?" I asked him who had a small smile creep upon to his face.

"I personally think you make the name Mrs Hemmings sound very nice." He told me as he fiddled around with something in his back pocket. My heart practically jumped out of my chest.

I watched as he pulled out a small black box and by then I knew exactly what he was doing. Looking into his eyes he winked at me and he pushed the sign out of his way with his foot, before kneeling down onto the floor.

"This is probably inconvenient, like most of the things I do but I promise this one will be worth it." He cleared his throat, looking up at me and fiddling with the box in his hands. "You know.... We've gone through a ton together. More than a ton actually."

I nodded with a smile on my face. "Yes we have." I giggled.

"I want to make this fairly short so..... I'm willing to continue this war with you for as long as it will want to go on. If it happens again I am willing to fight. As long as I'm with you I will fight this revolution." He paused for a few moments which felt like forever. "If you change your name to Mrs Hemmings then we can fight this together forever, will you marry me Paige?"

He asked me with the most open look on his face. His eyes wide with excitement. My smile grew and I nodded my head fast in excitement. "Yes I will. Yes!" I replied as he reached for my hand, sliding the ring onto my finger. I grabbed onto him pulling him up to kiss him.

A kiss more passionate than our first, than our graduation day one, more passionate then the one before I left. Passion that flourished for months before showing its full potential.

The highs and the lows of this relationship, it hasn't been long. It hasn't been long at all but I want to make it an eternity with Luke.

I want him to be the one I see as I walk down the aisle, the past behind me. I was the past to disappear as bitter sweetly as it arrive. Turning my life into a hurricane, moving with a force and speed of nothing ever before.

A war of growth.

A war of anticipation.

A war of memories.

We'd continue gaining strengths, helping us blow past the problems that drag others down. Yet Luke and I..... We'd be the strong ones.

One day we'd be able to sit down and tell our kids all our ups and down just as if they were a small tear in the page.

This was our story.

This is our diary.

I was going to marry the man I grew with. The one who was there when no one else was.


The next chapter is the last and idk how I feel about it, it's a sense of growing up. The past year I've grown a lot and this storyline was always what I had to fall back on. So it's a step up having it be completed.

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