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The mood in the room had shifted. It was different now. It was like that moment just before you kiss for the first time. Nerves mingle with excitement and anticipation and all your senses are alive and everything looks clearer, smells better and your heart feels like it's expanding out of your chest.

Zayn had never experienced anything like this before. This was a feeling so foreign to him, the feeling of...

Falling in Love!

He'd only painted her eyes, that cheesy line about the eyes being the window to the soul, well it was more than that. Because when he looked through that window, he saw his future. He saw the future he wanted to have, and it was with her.

He felt his cheeks go red and he cleared his dry throat. "This is..." he stopped. What words could he even put to this?

"I know." Jenny said leaning in and kissing him softly on the mouth. "I know." She whispered again. He knew she was feeling the exact same thing he was, and that made him happier than he'd ever been before.

He kissed her back. He tried to convey everything he felt for her in that kiss. Tried to convey the depths of his feelings for her and the potential that he saw in them. The kiss was soft and slow and gentle. He was in no rush, which he usually was in. There was no big finish line in front of him, only a journey with her that he was excited to go on.

They stayed kissing for the longest time. Every time their lips left each other, even for a split-second, it felt like he needed them back. Her hand was on his face and he touched it, he ran his fingers over it and felt the ring. Maybe the ring should just stay there, permanently?

Premature much? Totally fucking crazy, spontaneous and a bit mad...? But he didn't care. Because it felt right. And everyone thought they were engaged already.

He smiled against her mouth thinking about asking her to marry him. For real. God, this was mental. He'd only known her for a few days but he suddenly couldn't imagine his life without her in it.

But he'd have to do something spectacular. She deserved spectacular. A few days ago he'd slipped the ring onto her finger begrudgingly, he needed to change all that.

He stopped kissing her and stood up. "Come." he extended his hand for her to take.

"Where?" She looked up at him. Her pupils were dilated, her cheeks were flushed, her lips were moist from kissing and her hair was tussled.

"Put on some clothes, it's a surprise."

Jenny looked at him suspiciously but smiled. "Ok." She said tentatively, walking over to her suitcase. She took out a pair of yoga pants and an old t-shirt. She slipped on some comfortable looking sneakers that were well past their expiry date. And she looked amazing. She could probably wear a plastic bag and she would still look good.

His heart started pounding. Was he really about to do this?

Was he really about to propose to Jenny and ask her to become his wife and future Queen?

Minutes later Jenny and Zayn stood at the top of an old tower, the highest point in the palace and look out the window together.

"When I was young, I used to come up here because I could see the entire country from here. In fact, it used to think I could see the entire world from up here. I'm going to become king one day and everything you see, will be mine to rule over. So when I ask you to keep that ring on your finger for all the right reasons this time, I'm not just asking you to become my wife, but I'm also asking you to become my queen and help me reign over everything you see in front of you."

"Oh my God," Jenny's head whipped around and she looked at him with shock.

"So, Jenny, my fake fiancé, will you consider becoming my real fiancé and making me the happiest man on the planet because I am totally and utterly in love with you and I have never felt this way before."

Jenny blinked a few times. Maybe she wasn't expecting this and maybe she wasn't ready. A silence descended on the small room and suddenly he started to panic. Jenny turned away form him and looked out the window again.

"I'm not..." She started, "I'm just a girl from a farm. I'm not fancy and royal and I can't even pay my rent, let alone look after an entire country. I can barely live up to my own responsibilities now, and I..." She turned and looked at him. Her eyes shined in the moonlight as they watered up. "Are you sure I'm the right person for the job, I mean-"

Zayn cut her off and grabbed her by both hands. "You're the only person for the job." He said as firmly as he could.

"I know nothing about global politics and the economy and foreign affairs and-"

"You'll learn. You're the smartest women I've ever met, besides I don't need your brain for this, just your heart and that is more than enough." Zayn's heart started to pound. He knew he couldn't paint a picture made entirely of roses for her either, that would be lying. And he never wanted to lie to her.

"I'm not going to lie to you, a life like this is never entirely yours. It comes with so many responsibility and things you don't want to do. But there is no one I want more to do those things with, than you.

Jenny continued to look out the window and Zayn stared at her, trying to urge her into saying yes. That was the only word he wanted to hear right now. He would give anything to hear that word.

"And what about all your... your....the parties and the women and-"

"I don't want that anymore. I want you. That's in my past, you are my future. That's over." He suddenly felt that feeling again, the feeling he'd only ever felt when he was with her. He felt embarrassed and ashamed of the way he'd carried on these last several years. He was ready to change all that, he was ready to be king too- as long as she was by his side. He loved his country and his people, and it was time to step up. With her by his side, he knew he could do this.

Jenny turned and smiled at him relief started to wash over him in waves. "You haven't asked my father yet. He's a traditional man who owns several shot guns... "

"Give me your phone. I'll call him right now." Zayn held his hand out.

Jenny shook her head. "He'd never believe you. He'd think it was a prank call."

"So let's hop on a plane right now. We'll fly there tonight and I'll ask him in person."

Jenny let out a small chuckle, "It's ok. I'm sure he won't shoot you. I'm sure he'd be ok with it."

Zayn waited for the words, but they didn't come. "So is that a yes then?" He asked.

Jenny nodded. "Yes. Ok. Yes. I'll do it. Yes."

Zayn threw his arms around her and hugged her. "Thank you," he whispered in her ear. He pulled away and looked at her with a giddy feeling. They smiled at each other stupidly as if they both had no idea what to do now.

"Now what?" Jenny asked with a coy smile and laugh.

Zayn reached up and ran his fingertips over her lips. "I want to make love to my fiancé all night." 

Acting Royal #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now