Chapter 8~Sight Seeing

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"Wake up Shannon!" I groaned in annoyance. I was sick of hearing voices in my dreams. All my dreams had been based on Sadie's sixteen year old face. But mostly Aurelia crying and talking about fairy tales. And a thousand beer bottles being smashed against the wall.

"SHANNON! Get your ass up this second or I will drag you out of bed, awake, or asleep."

"I'm up," I groaned, still not moving.

"Then prove it," Aurelia ordered, growing awfully impatient. I opened my eyes and groaned at the bright light, otherwise, known as the sun.

"Stupid light. I ain't no Teletubby," I muttered to myself. I sat up on the bed and faced a well dressed Aurelia, a scowl written on her face.

"Someone's not a morning person," I said, loud and clear.

"GET UP SHANNON!" Aurelia shouted; her face a strange pink color.

"Yes, mam." I saluted like a soldier would and quickly jumped out of bed. I'm so awesome that the queen of the greatness couldn't be more awesome than me.

"One balloon, two balloons, yellow balloon, and orange balloons," I sang as I skipped into the bathroom. I shut the door behind me and smiled at the sight in front of me.

For once, I did not see a depressed teen with plain white clothing. I saw a girl with a bright smile on her face and as colorful as an ice princess.

What? Ice princesses can be colorful.

But of course, I had a flaw. Just like everyone else had. No one had all the looks and I straight out hated the people who thought they were extremely perfect.

Miranda, a girl from the adoption center, was one out of many who I envied. Perfect hair, perfect pearly white teeth, loved by all, beautiful curves, cheek bones, and skinny like a model. I used to cry every night, wishing that I was just like Miranda, with her lovely brown eyes that all the boy always melted into. And I wished I could have the courage like she had.

But I was the good girl. Although, no one knew just how bad I really am deep inside. The problem was, I was never caught. And one day I will be.

You don't know me. Miranda never knew me. No one ever knew me. I know me and that's what really counts. Now, I'm laughing because I'm in control now. I'm the queen and everyone shall watch as I sit on my golden throne filled with gummy bears.

I brushed my teeth and continued to stare at my reflection. I'm beautiful, I chanted to myself. And maybe I was and maybe I wasn't, but these were my thoughts, so back off!

My thoughts wandered back to the conversation I had with Aurelia last night. We were all broken and fragile like china dolls. And the worst part was that sometimes, we were missing an arm and a leg. Sort of like when you go to war and you got shot.

Bang, bang, bang!

As every bang goes off, so does your china doll arm and leg. The sad part is, your heart remains. One big organ that is the only thing that will stand. Yet, I hear mine break.

Crack, crack, crack.

But was it ever broken?

Deep inside, I am a very broken girl. I take care of myself, but I want to take care of my mother and baby sister. Are they worried? Are they looking for me? Are they meeting with the police right now?

Too many questions and only one brain.

"Come on Shannon," I said to myself. "Just finish brushing your teeth and waltz into the shower like a superstar would." And that's what I did. I quickly brushed my teeth and averted my gaze from the girl who was staring back at me with her crystal blue eyes.

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