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Zeref Pov

After I introduced myself to our new neighbor she just looked at me for a while before she responded back "hi I-I'm M-Mavis Vermilion." She gave me a weak smile, it's obvious she was nervous. " How do you like the town so far?" She quickly responded "It's nice! My family moved here cause my dad got a new job!" Mavis then gave me a big smile with her eyes closed. I grinned, "Well I'm glad yo-" "HI!!!!!. Oh boy here he comes...


Mavis's Pov

After the awkward greeting with my neighbor, apparently named Zeref, he was in the middle of saying something when another voice screamed out a greeting to me. It was the same boy who came running over here to see Lucy.. " Hi my name's Natsu!!! I want to be good friends with you!!!!" He flashed a toothy smile. Running after him was Lucy, she was yelling at Natsu for leaving her behind. I laughed and smiled. " Maybe i can fit in here..."

Zeref Pov

I saw the way she smiled, and then I felt my face heat up.. Mavis looked back at me with a huge grin, though her face soon wore a worried expression and ran over to me. " Zeref are you ok? Your face is red, do you feel ok." " y-yea I feel f-fine let's go and play for a while." That was the first time I stuttered around another person.. I wonder what's this feeling?

3rd person pov

All 4 of the kids played for the rest of the day.. Though Zeref stuck real close to Mavis the entire time. He said he was making sure she was ok, though Natsu didn't understand the meaning. They all had fun till they had to go home.

Zeref Pov

It's getting late and dad's already calling us in for dinner. Natsu said goodbye to lucy and ran inside. I decided to stay alittle longer to say goodnight to Mavis. " well have a goodnight Mavis I hope to see you tomorrow." She smiled and came up to me... To my surprise she she kissed my cheek. " Goodnight Zeref!!!" She smiled and ran inside her house. "Goodnight Mavis" I smiled and went inside.

Mavis x Zeref ( The Only One Who Cares)Where stories live. Discover now