Love in it's simplest Form.

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Zeref Pov

After the fight I left school with Mavis, she was quiet but did not ask where we were going she just gripped my hand tighter and continued to walk with me. We reached an old abandoned park and decided to stay there for the rest of the school day. I sat under a big tree, though since I was holding Mavis's hand I dragged her down with me. Once I was sitting on the ground i just held Mavis in my arms. She was whimpering into my chest. she was sitting on my lap and I just held her and tried to soothe her for the second time today. " I'm sorry Mavis.. I lost control when I saw Sting hit you... I didn't mean to scare you. I wouldn't hurt you." I looked down not being able to look Mavis in the eyes. " She's probably terrified of me right now." I thought solemey, Mavis just hugged me tighter and buried her head in my chest and said " I'm fine I was worried for you... I thought Sting was going to hurt you. If he did i don't think I could stand that. I don't want anything to happen to you.. you're my best friend!!" she cried into my chest. " thank you Mavis... I won't let anything happen to you. I promise I will protect you." I answered her cries, though I didn't even notice tears were streaming out of my eyes.Mavis noticed the liquid coming out of my eyes and wiped the tears from my eyes and said " Zeref don't cry please. you're the first friend I ever made here, I care alot about you and I want you to promise me that you will never leave me ." I looked up at Mavis who was holding my face in her small soft hands." I promise Mavis. I promise no matter what I will keep it." I just hugged her tighter and cried silently into her shoulder; as she did the same to me.


Mavis Pov

We stormed out of the playground and walked to an abandoned park, I didn't want to blast Zeref with questions about where we were going. I just gripped Zeref's hand tighter and kept up the pase with him "This is the first time I saw Zeref fight someone especially somone who was picking on me" I thought. We reached an abandon Sakura tree park, and Zeref found the nearest tree and sat down. sat down on his lap and I was soon wrapped in Zeref's arms which I enjoyed very much, I gripped his shirt and started to whimper very softly. Zeref must have heard my whimpers and he tried to soothe me again. We sat on the ground for about 20 minutes before Zeref decided to speak. " I'm sorry Mavis.. I lost control when I saw Sting hit you... I didn't mean to scare you. I wouldn't hurt you." he said in a quiet voice though when he said this to me he didn't look me in the eyes like he usually does. I could tell by the way his voice sounded he was very upset with himself. I just hugged Zeref tighter then I already was." I was very happy for what Zeref did for me even though it scared me.. I should tell him how I feel about what he did for me." " I'm fine I was worried for you... I thought Sting was going to hurt you. If he did i don't think I could stand that. I don't want anything to happen to you.. you're my best friend!!" I couldn't help it I started to cry again but harder this time; Zeref just held me and said " thank you Mavis... I won't let anything happen to you. I promise I will protect you." After Zeref said that I felt soething wet fall on to my head. I look up to find Zeref silently crying " I didn't mean to make him cry... great what kind of a friend am I." I wiped the tears comming from my eyes even though I was also crying. " Zeref don't cry please. you're the first friend I ever made here, I care alot about you and I want you to promise me that you will never leave me ." I just held his face in my hands and looked him square in the eyes. He only looked back and nodded then said " I promise Mavis. I promise no matter what I will keep it." He hugged me tighter and cried silently into my shoulder while i did the same to him. " I promise to protect you Zeref.. I won't let anyone hurt you... I wonder what this feeling is? I've never felt anything like this."


Zeref Pov

We stayed at the abandon park for the rest of the school day. We were tired and decided to walk home. We walked home hand in hand ( though I was blushing the whole way home.)and we both thought that the day was over and that it could not get any worse. We were terribly wrong. "phew I'm glad that the day's over!!!" Mavis said. " Yea I know my hands hurt from punching Sting too many times.. I-I'm glad you're ok though Mavis." I said while trying not blush... It's not going very well. We reached Mavis's house before she could even open the door her dad opened it " WHERE HAVE THE BOTH OF YOU BEEN TODAY!!! WE GOT A CALL SAYING ZEREF WAS IN A FIGHT AND THAT THE BOTH OF YOU WERE NOT IN SCHOOL!!" " oh boy... this is perfect!!" I thought sarcasticallly. " Mr. Vermillion this is entirely my fault Mavis had nothing to do with this.. You see a boy named Sting was picking on Mavis in school and I was very upset about this but at first when I tried to confront hin about theis Mavis ran away crying so I chased after her. We stayed at the cherry blossom trees until lunch then we were returning to school and Sting confronted us again but this time Mavis stook up for me and told Sting to leave us alone.. he hit Mavis and I lost control and I started to hit him.... Me and Mavis left school... I promise I olny tried to protect her from him. So it's my fault I'm sorry.." Mavis looked at me and then at her dad, though he wasn't fumming like before he was smiling. " well Zeref thank you for protecting my little girl.. I 'll call the school and tell them what you told me. thank you very much."

Me and Mavis played for the rest of the day until she had to go eat. her parents invited me to come inside. Mavis ended up staying the night at my house as a thank you from my dad. " I will take care of Mavis cause I care too much about you for anything to happen to you." Good night Mavis I said quietly.. Good night Zeref she said back sleeply. I went to sleep with a smile on my face.

You're chapter!! thank you to those who have read it and voted it means alot!!! next chapter should be out soon!

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