The Past and the Present

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Mavis POV.

It was weird to have Warrod with me and Zeref. I knew he liked me,  but I thought he would have gotten over me by now... Sadly I was mistaken. It seems he's grown to like me even more in my absence. Zeref pulled me into his chest and wrapped his arms around me. I looked up to see him glaring at Warrod. I sighed and placed my hand on Zeref's arm;  he immediately looked down at me and his expression changed to one with love. He leans down and kisses me softly and I kissed him back. I noticed Warrod glaring at Zeref again. "so... How do you guys feel about going out tonight?" Zera said to break the boys intense glaring competition. "I'd love too." I piped up and Zeref nods "So would I." Warrod shrugged and we all crammed into Zera's car. I sat next to Zeref happily,  and he wrapped his arm around me and nuzzled his head into my neck. It was blissful until the door opened and Warrod joined us in the back seat. Zeref looked up and the contest began again. And this time it was more intense. I shrunk down in my seat hoping to magically appear in the front seat next to my best friend. "I have a really bad feeling about this..."  I thought silently. Zera noticed me and my eyes pleaded for help. She turns around and we sped off to our day out with friends. I peeked up and saw Warrod look down at me with love just like Zeref. I cringed into Zeref and his arm tightened around me. "This day is going to go south real fast..."

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