Unexpected First Kiss

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The Next day. 

Mavis Pov.

I woke up early in the morning to find myself not at my aunt and uncles house but at Zeref's apartment. " Ugh.. I'm so tired." I yawned and cuddled back up against my pillow " Mph.." my eyes shot open and I looked up slowly to find that my "pillow" wasn't really a pillow at all it was Zeref. My face started to get hot and I noticed that I was staring at his very cute sleeping face " Wait.. Cute!! Get ahold of yourself Mavis!!"  I  started to get up off the couch but was pulled back down. " Wah!!!" I looked back to find that Zerefhad wrapped both of his arms around my waist and pulled me back to his chest " Ok.. Now I'm stuck in Zeref's arms and I can't get out.. Might as well just stay here till he wakes up."  After an hour I fell asleep in Zeref's arms, " hey Mavis... you awake?" I slowly opened my eyes to find Zeref standing over me with a smile on his face " Did you sleep well?" " yea. I slept well." I replied while getting up off the couch, he led me to the kitchen where he already had breakfast on the table. " I tried to make all of your favorites, but I think I forgot some of them.." he said sheepishly I just smiled at the gesture that he had done. We both sat down at the table and ate our breakfast, though It was not just a complete silencewe talked about random things and other sorts of stuff. " Hey mavis since we don't have school today would you um..." he just looked around with a slight blush on his cheeks " Would I like to what??" I asked with curiousity. He just looked looked at me and his facegot even redder " would you go on a date with me??" I was shocked; my best friend just asked me out? Zeref was looking at me waiting for my answer. " I would love to go out with you Zeref." His eyes gleamed with happiness and another emotion. " Alright! there is a festival going on downtown would you like to go there?" " he still remembered that I love festivals and other things of that sort." " yes that sounds like an awsome place to go." He just grinned and nodded his head profusely " Great! well I'm going to get ready then we can go ok?" We left to our houses to get ready for our first date. Once I reached my house I quickly found out that Lucy was not home. I ran up to my room and got dressed, though it took longer than I thought " I know I've known Zeref for years and hung out with him on many occasions... but we've never really gone out on a date." I will admit I was scared out of my mind but happy at the same time. After about an hour the doorbell rung, I raced down to the front door to find Zeref standing there smiling with a boquet of roses. " Hi. Uh... I got these for you." he said with a blush on his face while holding the roses out to me. " thank you Zeref! they are beautiful." I took the roses and took them to the kitchen to put them in a vase; though he was staring at me the entire time. " are you ready to go my lady?" he held out his hand while chuckling. I giggled at his behavior " of course." he took my hand and grinned at me. We walked to an old car (It's a Camero SS) " It was my dad's car." I nodded as he closed the door on my side as he went over to the driver side. " it may be a little loud at first but you'll get used to it." he started the car and it rumbled to life; we took off and headed to the festival. After about 15 minutes we arrived " Wow!! it's been so long since I've been to a festival." He just smiled and led me around the area.  We played tons of games, most of them Zeref played with me. The fireworks were going to begin soon so me and Zeref were walking around trying to find a place to see. " look this looks like a great place to watch the fireworks Mavis." We were currently standing on a hill that overlooked the city. Me and Zeref sat down on the hill; he put his arm around me and pulled me close to him; I leaned into Zeref's embrace and snuggled into him. We sat there enjoying each others company waiting for the fireworks to start. Soon after we heard a large boom and a firework lit the sky. " Wow!! the're beautiful!!!Right Zeref?"he just nodded not really paying attention like he was lost in thought. "zeref are you ok?" " huh? yea I'm fine Mavis."  I kept looking at him and he finally turned to me. " Mavis..I really missed you while you where gone." he said while holding my shoulders " I know cause I missed you very much too." I looked at Zeref's face and saw a spark in his eyes when I said that to him. Zeref grabbed me into a hug, I hugged him back instantly. We sat there hugging each other for a while until he pulled back, he started to lean in towards me until I felt his lips on mine. I immediately kissed him back; he wrapped his arms around me and continued to kiss me but a little harder. " This feels... Right. I've known him for a long time and couldn't imagine seeing him with someone else.. I've loved him since I was very young."  We kissed for a while until Zeref pulled back and helped me up and took me back to the car. Once we got back home He walked me up to my house; he didn't say anything but held my hand and pulled me back to him. He kissed me once more but with more passion than the last one; it was like he was trying to convey his emotions through the kiss. After our last kiss of the night I went inside and fell aginst the door. " Well it's offical.. I'm totally in love with Zeref Dragneel." 

Ok the next chapter. I'm very sorry it took so long I got stuck. Have a very good day!

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