Mavis's Big Move

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Mavis Pov

It's been over a year since my dad moved us here, and it has been the best year possible. My birthday was last month and Zeref helped my parents with my suprise birthday party. he kept me distracted the entire day until I got home. I got a half a heart shaped necklace, he had the other half it said "Best Friends" his parents had our Initals engraved on oppisite sides of the heart, mine had a Z engraved on it while he had an M on his side of the heart. (Flashback) " Zeref this is amazing!!! this is the best birthday present I've gotten so far!!!" I flashed a toothy grin, while he just blushed "Y-You're w-welcome Mavis! happy Birthday!!" I leaned in and kissed his cheek and then just hugged him very tight. He just kept blushing and slightly hugged me back. Our arents just awwed at us and said how cute we were. After the party Zeref's family had to leave much to my displeasure, " Goodnight Mavis!! We'll see you tomorrow!!" Natsu said and gave me a big hug and then ran to Lucy and did the same thing only difference was she was blushing at the end. " have a goodnight Mavis.. happy Birthday." Zeref said very quietly he then gave me a hug and kissed my cheek then proceeded to go home. Though that was a month ago now my parents are acting very weird around me today. I don't like it one bit. " Mavis!! sweety me and you're father need to talk with you about something!" my mom called from down stairs. "Coming!!" I yelled, I ran down the stairs to find my mom ushering me into the family room along with my dad. " Mavis the reason you're mother and I need to talk with you is... well my job got moved again and we are going to have to move."  " No!!! They can't  do this !!! they're taking everything away from me!!! My new friends, Lucy, and my Best Friend Zeref!! I don't want to leave!!! Not Now!! Not Ever!!"  " No!! I don't want to leave!!! this is my home!! Everything I love is here!! We can't go you're going to take me away from Zeref!!!! He's my best friend!!!" I shouted.  "Mavis I'm sorry.. But we have no choice.We are going to move whether you like it or not." my dad said in a very stern voice. " Well I'm not Leaving!!!!!" I ran out of my house as fast as I could but bumped into Zeref. he looked very concerned " Mavis?! What's wrong?!?!? What happened! Please tell me!" I just hugged him tighter and cried harder.


Zeref pov

I was heading over to Mavis's to play with her until I saw the door burst open and Mavis came sprinting out, she collided face first into my chest. At first I was going to joke with her that's when I saw she was crying  " Mavis?! What's wrong?!?!? What happened! Please tell me!" I said. She didn't answer me just hugged me tighter and continued to cry but harder this time. I took Mavis to our little hang out and sat her down on my lap and tried to comfort her as best I could. " Mavis? what's wrong?? you can tell me, you know I don't like to see you cry." she looked up at me and said " My dad's job got moved a-again and I'm moving. But I don't want to Leave here!! I don't want to leave you!!" she cried out. I was shocked " They can't move!!! I'll never see Mavis again!! I may be young but I really like her!! I don't want her to leave either." . " You can't move!! If you do then I won't be able to see you!" I said in a very shocked tone. " I know Zeref.. I don't want to go but my dad has made up his mind. I have to go now." " Mavis... promise me you won't forget me? and that you will come back one day to see me please?" " I promise Zeref. I can't forget you. Never." I hugged her with all my might and she did the same to me as well we stayed that way until It was time for her to go. I walked her back home when we saw a huge moving truck all packed with her family's belongings. " I don't want to go Zeref!! I want to stay here with you!!" she said as she started to cry again. " shh Mavis it will be ok.. We promised each other that we won't forget each other, It will be ok alright." I said as I kissed her forehead. " Mavis Co'mon we have to get moving!!" her dad called out to her, she just hugged me tighter as we walked to her parents car. I had to let her go as she got into the car, she still had her part of the necklace I gave her for her birthday. she waved as the car started to move, I chased the car and continued to wave she started to cry and so did I. " Bye Mavis..... I-I love you. Always"


Mavis Pov

" Bye Zeref... Where ever life may take me, I'll never forget you.... I love you Zeref Dragneel.. Always."

Ok  here's the next chapter!!! I cried while writing this! This chapter is dedicated to a Shimerleaf !thank you for supporting my story. To all my other readers as well I thank you as well!! Have a great day!!!!!

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