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Zeref pov

After blindly confessing my love to Mavis,  and she accepted!  We went into my house hand in hand. She looked up at me..  her eyes full of love and she smiled.  I looked down at her totally oblivious to the rest of the world around me. I took her up to my room where we layer down and watched movies until we fell asleep. But before my eyes closed I looked at Mavis and whispered " I love you Mavis...."

Mavis Pov

I can't believe me and Zeref are together!!!  I'm very happy and I love him so much...  I know he loves me too just the way he looks at me.  He grabbed my hand I led me into his house,  I looked up at him and smiled my eyes are glimmering with love and affection.  He looks down and his eyes hold the same look.  He totally forgets that Lucy was somewhere in this house but by the looks of it he does not care.  We then go to his room and watch some of my favorite movies...  I snuggled up to him and he held me tight.  The body heat from him started to lull me to sleep.  I felt him move and pull me close. The last thing I heard was " I love you Mavis. " I smiled in my sleep.  He was mine and I was his.

Lucy Pov

I carefully opened the door to Zeref's room to find him and Mavis snuggled up sound asleep.  I went to shake Mavis to let her know it's late and that we should probably get home.  I went to unwrap Zeref's arms,  and the minute I touched her he wrapped his arms tight.  "mmm.  Mavis is Mine and no one will keep me from her...  MINE." I started to chuckle " Well then... looks like she's not going anywhere.... I'm glad though.... glad that they will be happy.  Goodnight Mavis. "

Tbc. And it's nice to be back!

Mavis x Zeref ( The Only One Who Cares)Where stories live. Discover now