First Day of School continued ( part 2)

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Zeref Pov

Our teacher was Mr. Gildarts, nice man, but doesn't really care. In class we had to introduce ourselves to the class and say one thing we love. After most of the class went it was my turn " My name is Zeref Dragneel. And I love my little brother Natsu." " though I love Mavis quite a bit too. Maybe more than Natsu." Ok thank you Zeref... Next Mrs. Vermilion. I immediately payed attention to what Mavis said. "Hi! I'm Mavis Vermilion. And I love my best friend!!!" After she sat down she turned towards me and gave me a big smile. That made my face go red and I turned the other way, she just looked at me and started to giggle. I turned with my cheeks burning red and glared at her. She just grinned at me. God why can't I never be mad at her for less than 5 minutes.
Mavis Pov

I can't believe I got stuck with Gildarts as my teacher though I'm glad Zeref is in my class, he's my best friend and I love him very much. Though his face gets red when he is near me, it's cute though. When Mr.Gildarts got to Zeref I looked at him, " My name is Zeref Dragneel. I love my little brother Natsu." That's sweet.. He really cares about his little brother. He told me that though, but I think he's not telling me the whole truth though. Then after Zeref was done with his short introduction it was my turn " Hi! I'm Mavis Vermilion. And I love my best friend!!!" And it's true I do love him... He's a very nice guy and he was my first friend and he protects me a lot. After I said my introduction to the class I looked at Zeref and he was blushing. When he saw I was looking at him he turned the other way while still blushing. I looked at him again and started to giggle, Zeref immediately turned towards me with his cheeks still red as an tomato and gave me a death glare, I just giggled more and he just huffed and faced forward. In our class was Erza, Jellal, Mira, laxus, freed, bixslow, evergreen, and elfman. And many other people as well. The day flew bye and I didn't really talk to anybody except for Zeref. Once school was over Zeref walked me home from school. " thanks for walking me home Zeref.." No problem Mavis it was my pleasure. " Would you like to come inside. My momma wouldn't mind. " sure why not.

( note guys remember they are only in elementary school, right now, don't worry time flys real quick.)

Here's the latest chapter . Hope you enjoy!!!!!😄

Mavis x Zeref ( The Only One Who Cares)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora