Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

The next day I went to Alex's 2nd treatment with him. It went alright, but he didn't seem as happy as he was the last time. He wouldn't let go of my hand, and he made me watch television with him so that he wouldn't have to talk. Thankfully this time he only vomited once, and he made it to the bathroom in time and wouldn't let me come in. It was really hard to deal with, having to hear him throw up and there was absolutely nothing I could do about it to help him.

Stephanie, Darlene, and Jake and I all thought it was time to do something special, so we decided we were going to build a tree house together. Since Jake had gotten his permit just recently, and also a job at the gas station up the road, my mother drove us all to Home Depot so we could get wood. It took a really long time picking out and carrying all of the pieces because of how heavy it was, and it was only about ten in the morning too, and Alex was feeling weak so he waited for us in the car.

Basically, we all picked a tree that was between both of our houses, about right in the middle of the trail. We started at around noon, and surprisingly, Peter helped us. Alexander sat against a tree on a blanket, because even though he wasn't well, he still wanted to be there to watch.

It took a lot of hard work, but after about eight long hours, we were finally finished. It was pretty high, and had a ladder attached to a flat piece of wood, which led to the door. When you opened it, there was a pretty good size room, with two windows that you could either keep opened or closed. Peter had his friend help us install a special type of light, which hung on a hook from the ceiling, that lit up pretty much the whole tree house in just a simple pull of the chain.

It was really dark outside, so everyone walked back to the Sheffield's house while Alex and I climbed up into the empty lit up room. It was actually really comfortable, and about a little bigger than a regular sized bathroom. It was actually very similar to my secret room in the back of my house.

"We need furniture, desperately," I laughed, closing the wooden windows and turning to see Alexander sitting against the wall.

He didn't look so good, but he still grinned. "Yeah we do," he said, taking deep abnormal breaths.

"Are you okay?" I asked, sitting down next to him.

He nodded quickly and wouldn't stop. "Yes I'm perfect," he whispered, resting the back of his head against the wall.

"No you aren't," I said, putting my hand against his forehead. "You're sweating... really bad."

"I know," he swallowed, frowning with his eyes closed.

"You're scaring me Alex," I told him, as he looked at me and smiled.

"I'm okay, Rosie. It's just a side effect of the chemo, that's all," he quietly let out.

"You are so pale though," I muttered, lightly touching my palm against his warm cheek.

"I've been pale for a while," he sighed. "I'm alright, really."

"You have bags under your eyes, you're face is dripping sweat, and you're shivering," I anxiously said to him, while he stayed silent. "We have to get you home..."

I began to stand up until he gently took hold of my wrist. "Not yet," he whispered. "Please... I want to be alone with you."

"But you don't look so good," I tried telling him.

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