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Go_Girls_Go has made nuke and is one of my friends I DON'T OWN NUKE BUT MY FRIEND DOES
Btw it may take a while to update because I have to live and because I have to look up their personalities and how they act like and I do know the basics of how they act and all so I'll barely be looking it up but PLEASE BARE WITH ME I HAVE NEVER PUT THIS MUCH EFFORT INTO A BOOK
Keep in mind all the hetalia anime people will all be living in one house.
Home phone starts ringing
That's weird no one rings the home phone China thought to himself while picking up the phone.
Is that you North?
Yea it's me but whatever
Don't whatever me. Where have you been all this time aru~?
Just getting use to the new environment and stuff.
That's a lie aru~.
Ok fine. But I have some big news and want to tell all of you'll in person. Just don't ruin it all you can tell them I'm coming home but you can't tell them that I have news ok?
Fine aru~.
I'll be there in two days.
Ok see you then aru~!
"everyone?" I ask Yong Soo, Japan, and a few others on the couch watching the TV
"Yea?" Some of them asked in response.
"North Korea will be here in two days." I tell them as I look strait at Yong.
South Korea's POV
"North Korea will be here in two days aru~." China says as I look at him strait in the face.
"I'm moving da-ze." I say as I get up and start to walk to my room
"No you are not he I mean we have to get the house clean for his arrival aru~." China states.
" can I play video games then?" I ask.
"-sigh- go ahead just don't make a mess." China tells me as I rush off to my room.
North Korea POV
I knew I had to tell them sooner or later and I have to get South back. It had to be sooner. Nuke unfortunately wanted to meet them.
"HELLO HYUNG WHEN DO WE LEAVE?" Nuke asked really excited.
"Tomorrow. It a one day flight. Are you packed?"
"YES I AM." She responded cheerfully.
"Ok then let's go to sleep."
"Ok I love you Soo."
"Love you too."
Time skip to when they're on the plane over there because I can
Germany's POV
North Korea is coming over tomorrow and he is slightly annoying but he is one of us. He doesn't follow the rules at all but at least he knows how to run and train.
"I can't~a do~a this any~a more Germany!" Italy complained once again during his training.
"Yes jou can! Move dose regs Italy! You are junning away from a herd of dogs!" I yelled at him.
"AHHHHH! White~a flag! White~a flag!" Italy yells as he runs faster and faster leaving Germany in dust.
Hey guys I hope you'll liked the first chapter I only had to look up China! I never realized I knew enough to write a fanfiction about these guys. Anyways, I'm mostly like North Korea according to my friends in real life but yea till next time


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