7: Waffling Around

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Sam's P.O.V:

I didn't realise just how serious Kid was about the vase. That thing must be really special. Probably more special than Connor's whole existence is to me, and mind you, he's the most important thing I have in my life.

Walking back up to our room to go back to sleep, I stop to peak into Kid's room. Scattered pieces that he hasn't bothered to pick up. For a perfect idiot I'm surprised he just left it there.

Although he's not my favourite person in the world, I knew that having his room be 'trashed'  he wouldn't take it well. He's already temporarily moved out of his room. It's only a matter of time before he cracks completely and loses his mind.

It makes me wonder. I screw up his symmetry almost everyday, yet he hasn't decided to move out of his house. Or kicked us out. I half expected him to have shown us the front door, but he still keeps us. Whether it's because of his fathers orders or something else is beyond me and I wish not to think too deeply about it. Thinking too much damages my brain cells.

Connor bid me goodnight and I found myself staying awake for a little longer. Something felt off to me. I sat up and stared out the window. Connor had failed to shut the curtains, so a stream of moon beams was staring into the room, lighting the surroundings up. Stars twinkled and filled the night sky, and I wondered if my father was watching over me. 

He must be. He said he would. 

I tiptoed down stairs and made my way to the kitchen for a late night snack. I was hungry, okay? I feel like I skipped a couple meals, so now was the time to make it up. 

I feasted on fruits made into a fruit salad, topped with yogurt, some sandwiches of all kinds, with ham, cheese, chicken, lettuce. I pretty much took whatever I could find and ate it by myself. 

Feeling satisfied, it was now time for me to go to bed and hibernate till morning. I then turned to Kid's temporary room.

Curiosity came upon me.

I looked into the lounge spying on a restless Kid, tossing and turning. Was it wrong for me to do this? Just observing him like this? He won't notice, surely. 

I heard him grunt and move around a little. He mumbled something which I didn't catch, but I'm sure it was just symmetry nonsense. Nothing important. 

I crawled to the side of the couch. Deciding to play along as if I was a secret agent. Holding my hand up like a gun and moving only in the shadows. Although dark, my eyes had adjusted long ago so my vision is almost clear as day.

"S-s-stupid...c-c-cold." Kid grumbled moving again. Clearly, he's still awake. I've got to be silent. Like a ninja! 

I peeked around the couch corner seeing that Kid was still in his tux, and hadn't changed at all. Does he even own a pair of pajamas? 

He had kicked the blanket off of himself. He faced the back of the seat, face buried into the arm and cushions. He shivered once and clutched the pillow his head was supposed to be on, but instead he was using it as a teddy bear.

It's certainly a change from seeing the uptight stubborn ass Kid I'm used to. He looked...painfully uncomfortable.

By that, I mean he looked so tense and uncomfortable that it made me uncomfortable. I felt cold looking at him. He shivered, and automatically I felt the need to shiver too. So I did. I can't watch this any longer. I turned on my heel and went to leave, but I had the urge to do one more thing before I could sleep.

I'm gonna regret this later, I know I will.

I picked up the blanket and carefully placed it over his shivering body. He must have felt the weight, because he stopped shivering and went to lift his head.

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