14: And So The Story Goes...

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Over 9 centuries ago, there was a lone witch with one daughter, and a warlock with no children. They lived in a small village in the forest that was well populated by witches up to no good. As most stories go, they loved each other very much and ended up having a beautiful baby together. However, the parents created something very different unknown to nature. The father had a heart of gold, a mind as good as an angel, and the mother had a heart as black as night and as cold as the arctic. Together with their different souls, they combined to create something that could almost be considered a monster. 

Their child, The Lady Morgana was born. She inherited both of her mother and Father's powers and more. Her powers were very dangerous, and in order to save the world, the Father raised Morgana to be a nice caring young lady. As the girl grew, so did her powers. She mastered spells that most witches took years to learn. She could do things no witch could even hope to accomplish at just the age of two. 

Occasionally her Father would take her out to nearby villages to meet with new people while her Mother stayed home taking care of her half sister and teaching her the evil ways of being a witch, telling her that her purpose in life was to be evil.

The strange thing was, this family was a mixture of good and evil. Morgana and her Father were the good while her Mother and sister were a menace, as all witches are expected to be. The whole family knew of the risk of keeping a good little cherub in their home, so when they were alone, they talked of angels singing and how lovely the weather was while out in the open they talked tales of treachery.

By the age of four, Morgana started letting her power shine throughout the witch village, making small explosions here and there in the trading markets, accidentally slaughtering passing animals with just one look of her eye, setting people's clothes on fire, concentrating the suns heat in one area and causing destruction throughout the whole entire town almost wiping the village off the map, and surrounding magic folk got curious of her power. Rumors began spreading, and eventually word got out to the grand witch. Traditionally, the grand witch is meant to be the strongest witch in the whole entire world. So for a minor to hold that much power and not have that authority was quite alarming. The witch wanted to extract that power for herself. In order to do that, death was to follow the young girl. 

She had to be killed.

Without the family knowing, Morgana was taken by a small group of witches and brought to the grand witch. The grand witch tried reasoning with the four year old, and you may think "she's four! Come on!" but Morgana at that age could understand everything, and had a wide vocabulary. Morgana refused to give up her life in order to make the grand witch even more powerful.

That was her mistake.

The grand witch became furious and ordered her execution. That was the Grand witches mistake. 

It was reported the very next morning that the grand witch had died, and along with that, her minions as well.

Being in a witches village, word got out quickly, and killing Morgana had become the main purpose for all witches. Everyone was after her, her own mother, and her sister. Her Father, however, stayed by Morgana's side till the end of that day. They left after the whole village had been wiped out. Morgana had killed all of those witches in that town. A spell so powerful and dangerous that it was classed as a forbidden spell, preformed perfectly by a four year old.

Her Father wasn't at all surprised of Morgana's talent, in fact he had seen it coming. Ever since she was born he had known that his daughter was special. He had a talent for seeing into the future.

When Morgana turned 5, her and her father had made quite a reputation of being witch hunters. They saved cities, and Morgana who was growing stronger and stronger by the minute was learning to control her powers. She was becoming a hero. Her Father was so proud.

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