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"Leigh I really like you and I know that we have only known each other for a couple days but I feel closer to you so with that can you please be my girlfriend?" I said heart in my hands at those words.

She just sat there staring at me for awhile not saying anything.

"I'm sorry I messed everything up so thanks for stopping by-" I was interrupted by Leigh kissing me.

I kiss her back as we have a heated moment until we have to pull away for air.

"Jesy I would love to be your girlfriend" she whispers kissing me again.

I don't say anything. My mouth can't form words on how I feel at this moment in time.

Can't wait to tell Jade.

{Present time}


I woke up to an empty bed and cold bed.

I already knew Perrie was making breakfast at the smell of it.

I picked up my phone that was on the side table and saw that I had a couple missed calls by Jesy so I decided to call her.

On the phone

"Jade! Where have you been I have been trying to call you all morning!" I heard Jesy screaming voice at me

"Calm down what's got you all fired up"

"WE HAVE SCHOOL TODAY!" Jesy says making me shoot up.

"We do? That's today!?" I say panicking.

"Yes break is over! I will pick you up we don't have long." She said hanging up.

End of phone call

I rushed downstairs after getting ready.

I wore light blue jeans a plain while shirt and my parka.

I got downstairs and I just realized that me and Perrie's day will have to be cancelled.

I walked into the kitchen to see her on her phone while cooking.

I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist making her jump a little but that soften as she knew it was me.

"Jadey your up earl-" she cuts off as she turns around to see me all ready to go.

"Where are you going?" She says in all seriousness.

"Uh..school" I say shyly.

"But this was suppose to be our special day" she said turning her seriousness into a pout.

I heard Jesys car horn outside signaling it's time to go.

"I'm sorry babe I will come over tonight I promise" I said kissing her quickly.

"Tonight? That's when you get off school?" She said sounding shocked.

"Well I might stop by my place for awhile" I said trying to cheer her up.

I heard Jesy honk again and that's when I really had to go.

"I'm sorry" I said before leaving.

I walked down her path and got into Jesys car.

"Hey" she said trying to sound cheering.

"Hey so tell me Jess why didn't you find out about this sooner" I said giving her a 'your a idiot' smile.

"I thought it said February 5th" she said lowly.

"Your an idiot" I said laughing.

"Well I'm smarter that you" she said looking over at me.

"Whatever let's just get to this boring ass school" I said while she continued driving.

"So did I tell you about Leigh and me?" Jesy said with a massive smile on her face.

"No! Details!" I said turning to her.

"We kissed...a few times and...she's my...girlfriend!" Jesy said jumping up and down in her seat as we came to the school.

"No fucking way! I'm so happy for you!" I said getting out of the car and hugging her.

"Thanks someday all four of should hang out" she said.

"That would be great! You would like Perrie." I said smiling as I said her name.

"And you would like Leigh" Jesy said right before the bell rung.

"Ugh See you in second class" Jesy said giving me a hug before leaving.

I really hated this school. I'm taking some classes online as well of Jesy. But sometimes we have to come here and I already missed Perrie.

I took out my phone and sent her a quick snap

Jadeameilabadwi: I'm sorry babe

Perrielouiseedwards: just promise you will come over tonight

Jadeameilabadwi: promise just let me get through school

Perrielouiseedwards: okay baby I love you xx

Jadeameilabadwi: love you too ;)

I put my phone back in my pocket and headed to first class.

Cant wait until school is over

No school but I decided to right about it so yea happy Friday everyone! Love to all <3

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