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{not edited}


I raced out of 7th class with Jesy right when the bell rung.

"Let's get out of here" Jesy says as we walk through the the school doors.

"You go ahead Perrie's picking me up" I say giving her hug.

"Okie but I was wondering can we all four hang out?" She says turning around.

"I think Perrie would love that" I say ending it with a laugh.

"Yeah Leigh wants to go out and I was thinking we all should get to know each other better" she says.

"Okay il hang out with Perrie and than drive over to ours to get ready"

"Same with Leigh!" She says getting excited.

"Okay see you than Jess" I say giving her another quick hug before sitting on the school steps and watching Jess drive away.

I took out my phone while waiting for Perrie and just checked my Twitter.

After a couple minutes I looked up and still no Perrie just a bunch of kids waiting for their rides.

I looked back down until I saw someone sit next to me.

"Do you need a ride?" I heard Perrie's sweet voice next to me.

I smiled at the sound and looked up to see her ocean blue eyes staring at me and beautiful flowers in hand.

"Pez!" I yell like a little kid as I wrap my arms around her neck and hug her tightly.

She stands up as she wraps her arms around my back so that's she supporting me.

Once she sets me down I immediately look at the flowers.

"What are these?" I say taking them from her.

"I'm sorry gift" she says scratching the back of her neck.

"Sorry gift?" I say confused as I look up at her.

"Yeah we didn't really get on the right foot this morning so I thought I would say sorry" she says playing with the hood of my jacket.

"Well in that case I forgive you" I say smelling the flowers.

She traces my jawline before she traces my bottom lip.

"Perrie you don't need to do this" I say laughing.

"Mhm but I want to" she says finally putting her hand on my lower back and pulling me into her.

"Your just so beautiful" she says

"Not as beautiful as you" I say getting even closer to her.

"Your beautiful I'm not" she says even closer now.

"Well let me decide that...right now" I say closing the gap and kissing her passionately.

"Yep...your...much b-better" she says out of breath as I push my tongue in her mouth.

After a minute we pull away. Once I get my breath back I speak.

"Your better" I say kissing her one more time.

"So I'm guessing you like the flowers" she says taking them from me and replacing it with her hand as she walks me to the car.

"Love" I say as she opens the door for me and than gets in on her side.

Once she's in and starts the car I think I should tell her about the meet up tonight.

"Babe?" I say as she pulls out.

"Yes baby" she says putting her hand over and rested it on my knee.

"So me and Jesy and Leigh were wondering if the four of us can have a hangout tonight?" I say playing with her fingers that were still on my knee.

"I would love that baby" she says looking over at me and smiling before shifting her attention back to the road.

"Thanks baby" I say leaning up and kissing her on the cheek before going back into my last position.

She just smiles as she continues driving until we get home.




I pulled up into Jades driveway and honked for Leigh to come out.

"Thanks pez" she says as she kisses me on the cheek.

"See you tonight beautiful" I say looking at her walk up the path and Leigh coming out.

After Leigh and Jade talked for a minute Leigh comes in and greets me.

Before I pull out of the driveway Jade comes running back to my car.

I roll down the window as she comes close so she could whisper in my ear.

"Snap me when you have your outfit" she says as she kisses under my ear.

I nod as she whispers one more thing.

"A before and a after" she says before winking at me and waving to the flustered Leigh before walking up the path and inside.

"What was that all about?" Leigh questions.

"Just can't wait for tonight" I say as I pull out of the driveway.

Sorry if this is short and all next chapter will be longer I have to go a wedding today :/ but anyway love u all ;)

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