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August Movies!

by Kristina

A fun activity that people love to do on those warm summer nights are watch movies! Who doesn't like to do that? It's a great way to meet up with some friends and a quick way to make plans for those uneventful nights. There's always a bunch of great movies in the theatre, so why not watch them? Being in the middle of summer, enjoy as much as you can and a great way to do that is watching movies! Plus, July's a great month for the theatre, so head right in!

July brought so many great moves to us like Kevin Hart: Let Me Explain, Despicable Me 2, Grown Ups 2, The Conjuring, Turbo, R.I.P.D, Girls Most Likely, The Wolverine, and The To-Do List! Wowza, that's a handful, and there's even more but here's a little more about the ones we mentioned.

Kevin Hart: Let Me Explain - With this movie being targeted toward adults and young adults, it's more on the mature side. With Kevin Hart being his tiny, hilarious self, the movie "captures the laughter, energy, and excitement" of his "Let Me Explain" concert tour in 2012 where he did stand-up comedy in 10 countries and 80 cities with over $32 million in ticket sales. In the movie, he discusses relationships, sex, and his life as always, throwing in his amazingly hilarious puns. A great movie to watch (If you're of age!!) if you wanna get some laughs, as if you were at a stand-up comedy with the price of a movie ticket. Plus, by the end of the night, you're just gonna wanna pick Kevin up and put him in your pocket; he's too cute and small!

Despicable Me 2 - A sequel to the first Universal Pictures hit, Despicable Me, Despicable Me 2 brings even more laughs, heartfelt moments, and a few tear-jerkers! In this film, you'll see Gru, the girls, and the adorable little minions(even though you can barely understand what they're saying!) along with a few new friends! Maybe with some girlfriends on the way, okay Gru getting his flirt game on, he manages to, with a bit of exaggeration, "save the world." OH MY GOD IT'S SO FLUFFY I'M GONNA DIE!! Sorry, I had to.

Grown Ups 2 - If you watched the first one, Grown Ups, you'd know to expect laughing your butt off as you enter the theatre to watch the sequel. Following the first movie, it shows how the four childhood bestfriends are all reunited as Lenny (Adam Sandler) moves back to his childhood neighborhood. Soon enough, the four friends played by David Spade, Chris Rock, Kevin James, and Adam Sandler move in together and learn to accept the fact that their children are growing as they learn lessons from them this time around. A great movie to catch if you want to laugh at some good old Sandler humor!

The Conjuring - The Conjuring is supposedly one of the scariest movies of all time, and it's guaranteed to have you jumping in your seat... If you're into hurting your butt like that... Anywho, if you didn't totally have a heart attack just watching the trailer like myself, you're probably insane or just have a crazy ability to not get scared. But anywho, in the movie a family moves into a house that turns out to be haunted and all this crazy crap happens, but basically, it's some scary stuff... Don't go unless you wanna piss your pants but some people are into that crap... Did I mention it's based on a true story? Well it is! That just made it 34562075 times scarier, didn't it?

Turbo - This movie's great if you're going to the theatre with some younger siblings or if you just like to watch 3D animated movies, like me! Anywho, this movie's about a a garden snail who dreams of being the greatest racer in the world, racing in the Indianapolis 500. A contradictory snail with the hopes and dreams of competing with humans... Wow, I can honestly say that's original, don't you think? Well, head to the theatres to watch this ordinary garden snail make it to the big leagues; maybe it'll even inspire you... If you have dreams like competing against snails in a slow contest or something... I don't know!

R.I.P.D - Imagine when you die you're assigned to go undercover and capture spirits that refuse to cross over and return to Earth as monstrous ghosts? Well, find out in R.I.P.D where the gorgeous Ryan Reynolds suddenly dies and agrees to join the Rest In Peace Department to save Earth from the monstrous ghosts that roam it, refusing to finally croak! How exciting! In this supernatural thriller, you'll have loads of action and laughs as you venture through to find out what seems to happen in the in-between place when you die... Since that's not the teensiest bit creepy at all...

Girls Most Likely - In this hilarious comedy, follow Imogene, played by the always funny Kristen Wiig of Bridesmaids live her crazy life. In a simplified version, Imogene attempts to win back her ex-boyfriend by staging a suicide attempt... Great idea... In failing to do so, she winds up living with her gambling-addict mother; her nightmare. Without spoiling it, I don't wanna give away too much, but if you want to be in tears and clutching your sides from laughter, watch this move. I promise you won't regret it!

The Wolverine - For all you X-Men/comic book/superhero fanatics, here's the movie for you! Being the sixth film in the X-Men series, it shows the following events after the 2006 hit, X-Men: The Last Stand! In a trip to Japan, Logan (Wolverine) meets an old friend which only brings traumatic consequences, and in losing his immortality, he has to survive a deadly battle with his enemies... and his inner demons. Ooh, sounds enticing. Plus, Hugh Jackman as Wolverine? Pure hotness. I can already feel my eyes melting at the sight of his perfection, can't you?

The To-Do List - This is the one movie I'm so excited for! It's a romantic comedy, for all you girls that love those types of movies(Personally, I can't resist them) and it's targeted to girls in their teens to young adults! Basically, it's set in the summer of 1993 where Audrey Plaza creates a Summer Sexual Bucket List before she heads off to her first year of college. Only problem is, she doesn't even know half the things she's putting on her list, and most of them, her friends haven't even done before! And on top of that, she's an over-achieving and awkward virgin! Oh God... This is a must see for girls everywhere!

Alright, well, that's a list of some of the movies that came out this month/are soon to come out. Not all of the July 2013 movies are on here, I just put the ones I'd think would appeal to our readers; see, I keep you guys in mind! Well, anywho, herd a bunch of your friends together, pick a movie, and go to your local theatre this weekend because these movies are great and must sees. I know what I'm doing this weekend! If you watched any of the movies listed above, drop a comment saying whether or not you liked it! Leave a review and I'll try to respond to you in the next article dropping next month!

Teen Chic Magazine Issue #1 September 2013Where stories live. Discover now