Author Of The Month

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Hey readers I'm Abi and I'm the author of The Month columnist here.

This month I picked a reader that has over 16 stories. More than 24,663,759 reads. More than 14,266,206 votes. And more than 33,415 comments.

The author OF THE Month us DarknessAndLight.

I interviewed DarknessAndLight and asked some questions.

~how did you find out about wattpad?

I found out about Wattpad one rainy summer day, about four years ago, while trying to find ebooks online. I stumble on a story there and just got hooked.

~favorite place to write

Usually at my desk in my room.

~favorite place to read

Curled up on my couch in my room.

~writing style

Well, I'd like to think I'm a versatile writer. I don't really know if I have a style, per say. Not a lot of description and a butt load of dialogue? Is that a style?

~what do you like to read about?

Anything with a good romance in it. I can read sci-fi, horror, teen fiction, historical fiction, even a biography if the person's life was real interesting. I'm really not difficult when it comes to reading. I read a looot, so really, if a book has a good romance in it and the plot is well thought and it's well written, I'll enjoy it.

~what do you like to write about?

It's pretty much the same thing as what I like to read. Sci-fi is usually my comfort zone because that's what I wrote first about and I wrote a lot of sci-fi stories when I was younger, but there's always been romance in it. And now, well, I mostly write teen fiction and humour books, but there's always romance in it too. But I love to write fantasy and horror too. Really, anything that is a challenge, I'll love to write it.

~Favorite wattpad author.

I'll be honest, I hate picking favourites, basically all the people I follow are my favourites.

~favorite author *published books*

Again, I hate to pick favourites, but because I'm a nerdfighter I'll say John Green. Or Jules Verne because he made me love reading.

~how many books do you currently have completed

I have four.

-Birds of Paradise

-Our Love Will Be Remembered

-I Sold Myself to the Devil for Vinyls, Pitiful I Know

-Me, The First Half Immortal Half Spirit"

~how many books ate you currently working on

I have ten.

-The Headline.

-Freeing Ishtar, Book 1 of The Chaldean Oracle Series.

-The Spawns.

-The Family Curse, Book 1 of Cursed Wanderers Series.

-The Eighth Time.

-No Fighting Please.


-The Smirking Jerk.

-My Wish Upon A Star.

-The Adventures of a Pumpkin and a Running-Back Boy.

~How many books do you currently have in hold

One, which is The Chosen One.


I'm twenty one years old.

There you go guys DarknessAndLight is the author if the Month.

Check her out I'm sure she would appreciate it.



Teen Chic Magazine Issue #1 September 2013Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora