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Yes, yes, I know it makes us want to throw up, right? Simply the thought of people watching you working out in the gym, making a fool of yourself just because you don't know how to work the machine is sickening. The word "gym" probably makes your stomach turn right now...

Well, hey! Don't worry; you can keep fit at home. So, girls, there's no excuse; especially when school is coming back and Autumn/Fall is rolling back in. You still have spare time to exercise. Like, during commercial breaks or right after you wake up or, just before you go to sleep. Here are some for example, ladies:

*Mountain climbers*

A sweet cardio blast that's great for your heart and body! Drop into pushup position and get your legs running: Bring one knee in toward your chest, resting the other foot on the floor, and then quickly switch your feet in the air-alternating back and forth as fast as you can. Keep your back as straight as possible. Do this for 30 seconds, and then eventually work up to one minute sprints.


*Jumping Jacks*

Old-school gym class moves never go out of style! Try three sets of twelve, and then work up to three sets of 25. As long as you keep your heart rate up, you know it's working!



Stick your feet under a dresser (or some other place that will help hold them down), cross your arms over your chest, and do three sets of twelve sit-ups. Work up to three sets of 20. Make sure you use your core muscles to lift your upper body, not your neck!



This exercise targets the back and front of your upper legs, your calves, and your butt. Simply cross your arms over your chest and sit down, like you're sitting on an imaginary chair, and then stand up. Do three sets of ten squats to get more gorgeous legs. When it starts getting easy, grab a backpack from your closet, stuff it with books, and then wear it while doing the squats. Also, an interesting fact is that if you don't do squats, you end up having a flat butt. So if you girls want a nice behind, then you'd better get to squatting right now.



Stand like a boxer and simply start throwing punches! The point is to keep your body moving in a fun and empowering way. Picture yourself punching through all of your problems or fighting toward your dreams-trust me, it works like a charm! Punch rapidly for 30 seconds, take a rest, and the punch for 30 more seconds. Repeat. Work up to doing one-minute sessions.


*Dance Your Butt Off!*

Next time you're at a party, don't just stand around talking to friends. Be the first to get up and get the dancing started-it's the ultimate in fun cardio!

-How Often Should You Do It?:

Try and keep yourself moving for an hour at a time, ideally twice a week (you dancing in your room in front of the mirror counts too).

-The Payoff:

Burn calories, tone your legs and butt, and increase your flexibility.

- Remember: Have fun!


And, if you're cramming for a test, don't just sit down! Exercise with it.

Let me explain...

*Study in Motion*

Cramming for a test or getting through some reading? Take your notes or text book to the gym and do it while walking on a treadmill or a stair climber (It doesn't have to be super-fast-just keep the pace brisk!).

-How Often Should You Do It?:

Try to do this for 20-30 minutes at a time, two or three times a week.

-The Payoff:

On top of burning calories, this kind of cardio activity increase blood flow to your brain, so you're actually more likely to remember what you're reading or trying to memorize!

-Just Remember: Don't trip!


Those are all the exercises I have for today but there are loads more out there like:

•Cycling {In General}

•Mountain Biking

•Walking {In General}

•Power Walking





And so much more!

But always remember to eat healthy foods like vegetables and fruits or all least eat your "5 a Day" fruits that are filled with calcium, vitamins and potassium to help your body inside, and out. And, drink plenty of water! No one wants to be dehydrated. Be hydrated at all costs whether is Juice or Fizzy Water. Just stay HYDRATED!

Stay healthy.

-Written by Jomck97 {Josephine McKenzie}

Teen Chic Magazine Issue #1 September 2013Where stories live. Discover now