Teen's Guide

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Teen Guide

Hello readers! I'm your new Teen Guide writer Audrey. Before I get started with today's "A Teen's Guide to..." I'll tell you a little bit about myself! My name is Audrey, I'm 15, and I live in the USA. This coming school year I'll be a sophomore at the Performing Arts school I go to. I have 3 sisters: Lila who is 19, Kelsey who is 14, and Karolyn who is 13 whom I love very much!! I'm vegetarian by choice because I believe in eating better and trying to stay fit. Some of my hobbies include theatre, which I do a lot (if you'd like updates on current shows I'm in just leave a comment below), dancing, singing, reading, writing, playing the Ukulele, and taking pictures. If you have any questions about me or my articles you can always comment below or message me. Now that you know a little about me, let's get onto today's article!

Today we'll be discussing "The Teen's guide to... back to school!". Here are all the things that you need to know to have an awesome new school year!

1.Be friends with everyone! I too am guilty with just sticking with my normal group of friends, but this year try to meet a lot of new people! You never know when and where you'll find a new best friend.

2.Join a club! Since I go to a performing arts school we don't have any sports or afterschool activities, but for you kids that go to a school that does, sign up for groups that interest you! If you like singing try theatre, choir, and maybe even a dance class or two.

3. For the people that are into more visual arts I would recommend yearbook club, the school news paper, etc. For people in sports, try a few sports you've never played before. New things help you meet new friends and you might find a sport you enjoy a lot and are really good at.

4.Go in with an open mind! Try hard to not be judgmental about anything this school year. Having an open mind really helps when you are first making friends and discovering different things you like. Being a teenager is confusing, but if you have an open mind about everyone and everything it makes it a WHOLE lot easier.

5.STUDY!!!!! Even though I don't like a lot of my academic classes, I still try to get good grades. Getting good grades not only will help in the future but it also helps gain your parents and teacher's trust. Having good grades will show them how responsible you are and that you are serious about your future.

6.Lastly, there are two important things that I think tie together well. Being yourself and not letting anyone change you. Only you should be the one telling you what your morals are. If you think that you don't want to drink until you're of age, don't let people pressure you into doing it in high school or even middle school. You are your own person. Even though someone can pressure you to do something doesn't mean they are FORCING you to do it. YOU make your own decisions. Being yourself is a very important thing to stick to during your teen years because of how confusing they are. You will question yourself, your religion, beliefs, morals, and much more when you're a teenager. People can influence you to think differently, but be yourself and don't change for anyone except you:)

I hope these easy tips will help make your new school year a great one. If you have any ideas for next month's "A Teen's Guide to..." then leave a comment down below.

Be yourself!


Teen Chic Magazine Issue #1 September 2013Where stories live. Discover now