Ask Emma

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I really like this boy, but I don't think he likes me back. We used to always flirt but now he doesn't really talk to me anymore. Is there anything I can do to get him to like me?

- I'm afraid not. You can't get anyone to fancy you back, but you could try make friends with him. Becoming friends can build up your relationship. You don't want to pressure him in to liking you.

My friend is smoking and we're pretty young. I know how bad it is but she won't listen to me. What can I do to make her stop?

- You are right about smoking being bad for you, the legal age is 18. It's unhealthy and dangerous for people under the age. She's probably only doing it to look cool, inside she may be regretting it. Try and talk to her, not lecture, just talk.

My best friend had made this new friend. She's alright but she keeps on taking her away from me. What can I do?

- It's normal to feel this way when you're feeling left out. Try not to feel jealous, try let it go. Maybe get to know this girl, if your friend likes her, maybe you will to once you get to know her.

My boyfriends parents have recently broken up and I want to break up with him. I'm not really into him anymore. But he's been through a lot recently, so should I just stay with him a little longer?

- There's no easy way to break up. It does hurt but it's better to tell the truth rather than pretend. The key is not to blame him, take responsibility for your feelings.

I've been really depressed recently. The only thing that helps me get through it is cutting. But I'm not sure if it's really helping, is there anything else I can do?

- You're absolutely right. Self harming doesn't solve anything. It's only making you feel worse, it's extremely dangerous too. There are many things you can do instead of hurting yourself. Talk to friends, family, teachers. Find someone you trust that can help you and listen to you.

Teen Chic Magazine Issue #1 September 2013Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora