Fashion Recommends

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Get a Start on Fall Fashion

By: inkiPOP


Fall is coming up soon! For some that's a scary thought, but don't let the new season taunt you!

Learn all about the styles that many believe are coming 'in'.

Shoes are on point, purple is abound, red and animal prints are neutral and lace comes out in the daylight. And, oh yeah, punk rockers rule. "The overwhelming trend is 'rocker chic,'" said a leading designer.

With a "pretty punk" approach leading the aesthetic, Designers promise a mix of some of there favorite elements for fall: Think trademark prints and patterns; spikes and studs; and moto-chic elements in the form of colored leather perfect for layers.

Sounds really cool right! But what about those of us with a budget? No worries! Punk doesnt mean expensive. has some great items for those on a budget.

Or check out

. In fact they are the ones who supply those

'Hater Blockers' glasses to the side.

No matter where you are, Teen Chic will supply you with the newest fashions!

Teen Chic Magazine Issue #1 September 2013Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt