chapter 11

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3 weeks later ( If I did not say this in the first book Dr . Melanie is in this chapter she is a baby doctor and is like also is the doctor that does check up to it gets a little...nasty...well not that kind of nasty )

Alexandria POV

I woke up really feeling sick . So text Hannah to drive me to the hospital seeing Hayes had a photo shot this morning and he took Elena .

TEXT ( a-Alexandria h-Hannah )

A- hey am not feeling good will you drive me to the hospital

H- ok I am on my way

About 5 min later Hannah came run into mine and Hayes room grabbing me helping me down stairs . We got in the car and Hannah driving really fast . We got to the hospital and Hannah went to the counter when I was in the waiting room . She came back with paper to fill out so I did that with Hannah helping me fill them out . A slow 10 min and we were down filling them out and Hannah took them up to the counter and the nurse told her something then Hannah nodding her head . She came back and repeating what the nurser said . A really really long and slow 20 min later I was feeling like shit by now all I want to do is crawl in bed without Hayes so I do not get him sick or throw up either would be good right now . My name was call and I stood up walking over to the room the nurse was leading us to with Hannah . 5 min the nurse said she would be back with the doctor and now they are back Well it is nice to see you again Mrs Grier Dr Melanie said . Hello I said shacking her hand . Ok what is wrong to day she said as she lay my file on the counter . Well I woke up feeling really sick and as time kept going it got worse I said answering her question . Ok she said writing it down . Well here we will do some blood test and pee test she said heading me a cup . When I got it done peeing in the cup and washing my hands and heading the nurse the cup when setting on the bed she took my blood and walked out of the door to go get the test . 5 fast min past and Dr Melanie walked in reading the test . Well Mrs Grier did you miss your period ? I think I did wait I did the math and said yes . Well Mrs Grier both of your test said your pregnant she said with a smile . I look over to Hannah she look shock and happy at the same time . I went thought that I have to tell Hayes and Elena still in my thoughts I said Well damn Hayes thanks put me though this again even though I love him and we both love are children .

ok i love what she said in her thought . How will Hayes and Elena and friend and family react to fining out about this ? What do you think it will be boy or girl ? bye loves !

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