chapter 18

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Alexandria POV

I hear the gun go off but I do not feel hurt or pain . Luckily I knew who to get the rope untied in the car . So I drop the rope  then take the blindfold off . To see Hannah laying on the ground with a gun shoot in her right shoulder . I get her phone out of her pocket and call 911 then nash and hayes to meet at the hospital . We got there all five of us wait in the waiting room .

30 min later

The doctor walks in and tell us '' Mrs.Grier lost a lot of blood and she doing ok but it might be a little bit of time before she gets to go home ''. But she is awake right now you may go see her but one at a time and make it quick she is tried ''. We all obey the doctors order and we all go in one at a time to talk to her and Elean and Adrian fell asleep waiting soon we all go home . Nash and Hayes tells me how they got the money so I tweet out @Alexandria-Grier THINK YOU for send money to save me . After I tweet that I hear a knock at the door I go answer it there is two cops standing there and I say '' can I help you officer ''. Yes one of them say ''can you describe the person that kid nap you''. ''Well i'm sorry officer but she/he was a mask or it was dark wherever we were or she/he would put a blindfold on me''. That ok miss if you can remember anything just call us'' he said handing me he card .  ''You two have a nice night'' I said closing the door .

Mr wrong or Mr right / #Wattys2016 Where stories live. Discover now