chapter 13

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2 month later

Alexandria POV

I woke up just to go to the bathroom and throw up . Today me and Hayes get and sonogram(or ultrasound) . 30 min later we are eating breakfast we finish eat heading to the car going to the hospital . We got to the waiting room and I was shacking my leg Hayes put his hand on my leg at it stop . 10 min later the nurse called my name we walked back to the room she was leading us to . I lead down on the bed with Hayes sitting next to me holding my hand . The nurse she would be back with the doctor and left . We waited until the doctor came in with the nurse they finally came back I lift up my shirt to see a baby bump the nurse put the fucking ice cold gel up my stomach made me flinch . The doctor put the remote on my stomach and moved it around and with that you could here the little heart beat . I look over to Hayes that had tears in his eye look at the screen I tight my grip on this hand to make him look at me . He stood up and kiss my forehead while the nurse wipe the gel off of my stomach . We went to the counter to get are next 3 - 19 - 35 is are the next appointment . We walk out and Hayes ask if I want to get lunch his said with a smile . I said yes but we half to go get Elena so we can tell her the news of her new little brother or sister . We got to Hannah and Elena came running out of the house and hoping in the truck we got to steak and shake because that is Elena favorite place to go . We sat down in the booth and got drinkies . I spoke up and said Hey um-Elena do you like being the only child ? I did when I was little but know that I am ten I would love to have a little brother or sister . Well-Well we have some new we are having a baby Hayes said cutting me off . Her smile grow on to her face you could tell she was happy but before she could say something are food came and we ate .

sorry if this is short i mean it is 406 counting this author note .

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