Chapter Eleven: Announcements, Family And Confessions

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"We're the life of the party!" -Isa Amin, IASWAD

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"We're the life of the party!" -Isa Amin, IASWAD.
CHAPTER ELEVEN: Anouncements, Family And Confessions

Adam Mathews

"What do you have in mind?" I asked with a smirk. Ever since freshmen year Becks has had it out for me for no reason. It's probably because I'm better looking than him or have more girls on me than he does. Anyways he always tried to steal my friends, date the girls I've dated, and pick fights with me all the time. It's about time I put him in his place. But how did Isa know about our feud?

"All I want is to find something on him to bring him down. He needs to be put away." He responded with a hint of fear in his eyes. I always knew he wasn't a good person but he can't that bad. "What did he do?" I questioned, crossing my arms over my chest. If I was supposed to help him I need to know the whole story.

"I'll explain it to you another time but for now can you help me dig up some dirt on him?" He questioned hopefully. "I'll help you but not because you asked. Becks deserves what he's getting." I agreed.

"Atleast we could agree on one thing."

"Quick question tho. How did you know about our feud?" I raised an eyebrow at him. "Amir filled me in. I figured if anyone could help me its you." He replied with a shrug of his shoulders. "Oh and let's not tell my sister about this. You know Zamzam could be really annoying with her questions." I laughed at the last part.

"Another thing we could agree on."

"So is it a deal?"

"Let's take the douche down."

Zamzam Amin

"Grams I'm bored!" I whined sitting behind the front desk of her shop. Business is really slow today for some reason. I've been sitting here for the past two hours playing candy crush and going on snapchat on my phone, waiting for customers to come. Who wouldn't want to buy deserts at a cute bakery on a Saturday afternoon? Some people are weird.

"Patience habibty, patience." Grams replied while putting a cake on display. I think I ran out of patience around 30 minutes ago. Right now all I want to do is go home, get some ice cream, go on my bed and watch old Shah Rukh Khan movies. Is that too much to ask? Apparently it is too much to ask because I don't see that happening anytime soon.

"Plus Abdirahman is going to come soon to help me." Grams said with a smile. Thank god he's coming! I can't stand being here any longer. "He said he wanted to tell all of us something. So Isa and your father are coming too." She added while frosting a cake. What does he want to tell us? I guess I'll find out soon enough.

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