chapter 2

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rayan p.o.v

Its now Friday and I've been getting letters all week they're really sweet. I just really wish I knew who it was. Everything they say is so sweet it jukes makes me feel loved. I think i might have a crush but its weird because I have no freaking clue who they are. Craig and I always talk about it. He's really supportive. I have a thing for Craig but its not major because I don't know if he feels the same way.

"So you really like him?" Craig said cheesing. We were at the park watching the sunset. We always hang out after school because our parents get off late.

"Yea, Its just something about that person and how do you know its a him?" I said raising one of my eyebrows.

" know...because people know you're gay?" He let out a nervous chuckle. I looked at him crazy. It sounded more like a question but i just shrugged it off.

"yea, ok. I just hope their nice, sweet and all that because i don't need another Brandon." I said letting a tear escape my eye. Which lead to me just crying.

Brandon was my boyfriend since 7th grade. As soon as we got to ninth grade he changed. He was more aggressive and always accused me of cheating. But I soon found out that He was cheating on me with a boy named Ritchie AND a girl named rocky (sound familiar Jakayla  t(-.-t) ). I loved him. He was my first kiss, my first love, my first boyfriend. I was depressed for months.

Craig pulled me into a hug.

"It'll be fine I'm pretty sure he wont be like that. I'll make sure that no one hurts you." He said rubbing my back.

I pulled away and looked him in his eyes. " promise?" I said sniffing. 

" promise." He smiled which lead me to smile. He started to leaning in. My heart started beating rapidly. His lips finally crashed on mine. I felt sparks definitely but what about my secret admirer. I really love this feeling but i cant just my secret admirers heart like that.

I pulled away "Craig I cant."

"Why? What happened?" He said looking confused.

"No. Its just that I don't want to hurt my secret admirer."

He stood up. "Rayan you don't even know him. I've been knowing you since 6th grade! 6th MOTHERFUCKING GRADE! YOU NEVER KNOW WHO- You know what never mind." He stormed off and started walking home. I got up and started walking home.

As I replayed everything that just happened and just started crying.

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