chapter 7

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Rayan p.o.v

The next day when I got to class Jace looked like he was in deep thought but as soon as I sat down he turned towards me.

"Why didn't you answer me or text me back?" He whispered.

"I didn't get any calls or text yesterday." I said confused as ever.

"Mhm. OK." Then he scoffed while turning around.

When the bell rang Craig came over to me so we could start walking to 2nd period.

"Uh....babe? Do you know anything about Jace calling and texting me yesterday?" I said looking over at him.

"nope." He said looking at everything but me.

"Craig what did you do?"

"Did you do Mrs. Finley's homework?" He said looking at the ceiling.

"Craig what did you do?" I said through gritted teeth.

"I take that as a no" I had enough.


"I deleted his number and blocked it."

"Why do you keep doing this stuff?"

"Cant you see that Jace is always doing something to annoy me?" He said annoyed.

I sighed, "Craig just leave me alone for right now."

"Really Rayan REALLY?!" He said pissed.

I just walked off because I just couldn't but it didn't help because he has the same class. I heard a locker being punched and then footsteps. Damn!


I was sitting at the lunch table talking with Jace then Craig came and sat down beside me,

"So Rayan like I was saying before HE came back......" I looked at Craig to see him just eating his lunch. Its like I broke him. "about our date." Shit! I looked at Craig who was clenching onto his apple eating it. I saw a tear fall down. He wiped it away quickly and stormed out.

I looked at Jace and he just shrugged and took another bite out of his pizza. I got up and ran after him.

I found him sitting at the fountain bawling. I sat beside him and hugged him.

"Why?" He said sobbing. "We didn't even officially break up yet and I cant stand him."

"We are just friends." I said patted his back.

He wiped his face and stood up.

"Meet me at the janitors closet after school," Then he just walked away. I sat there dumb founded. The bell rung informing me to get to 5th period.


Rayan p.o.v

I stood at the janitors closet. Jace came around the corner. When he saw me he smiled And came over. I waved.

"Rayan I have something to show you."

"I cant really leave I'm waiting on someone." He grabbed me wrist and dragged me into the janitors closet.

Craig p.o.v

I just put my books up. I turned a corner to see Jace dragging Rayan into the closet. I walk in front of the closet and stare at the doo. It took me like five seconds to open the door. When I opened the door I saw Rayan and Jace kissing. My heart literally crashed. When ray pulled he looked at me shocked. He tries to come and grab me by my wrist.

"Babe, Its not-" I cut him off by running. I ran home and cried. After about 2 hours I get hungry I go downstairs. I see a note on the fridge.

Craig, can you- well its not really a choice so pick up my new purse please I ordered from coach. thank you there's $200 in the kitchen cabinet.

-love mom :)

I groaned and grabbed my phone, money, shades and lots off tissue.


I finally got the purse after that line. I decided to go to Claire's and get some new studs. When I came out I bumped into somebody.

"Oh I'm sorry."

"Its ok. What's wrong?" He said standing by my side patting my back.

"Oh Its nothing."

"No your going to tell me what's wrong. Its not good to keep all your feelings held in." He said making me sit on a nearby bench with him.

I sighed and explained everything. I started crying again so he pulled me into a hug.

"By the way my names Kyandre."

"I'm Craig."

"Well Craig I have to go. Here's my number. Text me." I nodded and decided to leave

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