Chapter 1

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Fitz entered the lab early that morning. Finding Simmons sleeping at table. "Jemma wake up you fell asleep." She muttered a few words before waking up.


"It's okay. I brought you tea."

"Thank you."

Daisy came in the lab and said "Coulson wants us all in his office in ten." They smiled as she left on that note.

As Fitzsimmons walked downstairs, they overheard Coulson talking.

"Team I brought you down here to tell you that I'm going to be gone for a few weeks. I leave May in charge."

"Can we ask where you're going?" Simmons asked.

"No you guys can't know that. It's classified information." He responded.

"But sir, what if something happens?" Fitz asked.

"Then May has a plan. Trust me guys." He said.

"Yes sir." Everyone answered back.

Fitz went into the lab and began working. Simmons walked into the lab and said "When did you get done?"

"Earlier today. How are you it must be fascinating working with alien DNA-"

"I miss you. There it is. I miss you." She blurted out.

"I'm here. Together. We're-"

"Professional and matter of fact and there's this chasm in the middle of the room of all the things, our kiss and Will's death, and-" Fitz cut her off with an apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry about that, Jemma. Because maybe there was another way and there was something else that i could have done to-"

"Will died saving me. What you did was kill a thing, a monster. You have been nothing less than extraordinary this whole time." She said.

"Can we start over? Back where we began." She asked.

"Sixteen and shy?"

"Two people about to embark on an relationship. I'm Jemma Simmons, Biochem." She said putting her hand out. He got up out of the chair.

"Leopold Fitz, Engineering." He responded, shaking her hand.

"New start." She said, smiling.

He had a random but promising thought that came to mind. Knowing what he had to do next. "If it's a new start I want to start off by doing this." He pulled her in for a kiss. Running his hands up and down her back as hers came up to cup his face. He pulled away for air and said "Let's start off here."

"What does this mean now?" He kissed her again and rested his forehead against hers and said

"I love you Jemma Anne Simmons."

"I love you too Leopold James Fitz."

"I hate my middle name." He grumbled.

"Well that's too bad I love it." He kissed her lips one last time before pulling apart.

Before sitting down in his chair he said "I need to take you out on a real date."


He smiled and said "Friday it is. Any place you want to go?"

"You chose."

He sat down and began working again.

"Leo what does this make us now?" She asked him.

"If you want we can be boyfriend and girlfriend. Only if you want." She kissed his cheek. "I will take that as a yes." He said. "I'm going to get some work done now."

"Okay." She went to her side and began trying to stay on task working on a DNA sample.

Daisy came into the Lab and went right over to Simmons. "Guess what?" Daisy said.


"Me and Lincoln are a thing now." She said excitedly. Simmons looked across the lab at Fitz who was hard at work.


"Oh. Sorry just a little distracted today."

"It's okay. So Lincoln and me?"

"I'm happy for you guys!"

"Thank you. I will let you get back to work." Daisy left them two in the lab.


Later that night they were sitting on the couch in the living room. "Should we tell the team?"

"No not yet, let's give us some time without everyone knowing." She said back to him.


She lend against him as they watched the movie. Halfway in the movie she fell asleep. "Jemma let's go put you to bed."

"Sleep with me."

"I can't do that."

"Just get in bed with me and fall asleep."

"Okay fine." They walked back to her room. Getting into the bed, she curled up against him.

"Night Jemma."

"Night Leo." She said, kissing his cheek.

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